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Chapter 5: Using the Correct Search Keywords
When trying to get your resume out for potential employers to view it is very important that you use the correct keywords in your resume. This is especially true when it comes to video game testers. It is reported that the number of jobs currently held by video game testers would be much higher if they used the correct search keywords when both looking for a job and creating a resume.
It may actually be a better idea to use terms such as quality assurance or QA when creating your keywords or conducting your employment listing research. This makes sense when you think about it because that is basically what the job is of a game tester. Their duty is to ensure the quality of a game and to make sure that it is performing to the best ability possible.
The following chapter will go over the importance of selecting the correct keywords for your job searches and your resumes. It will also provide you with some tips that you may want to consider when creating your search keywords.
Use Effective Keywords
There is more to using search keywords to find employment and create resumes than just getting lucky. There is an actual science behind keywords and there is a system that can make them very effective, if used correctly. The way that these keyword work is that potential employers such as the head of a game development team will provide their human resource or hiring team with a set of keywords. These keywords are then used to seek out potential employees. Without the correct use of keywords it is highly unlikely that you will find the position you are looking for or that a company that is hiring will view your resume online. Keywords can literally make or break the efforts of your job search. If you think you have an amazing resume and are qualified and have enough experience but you are still not getting calls from game development teams, you may want to consider revising your search keywords.
The following will be a few tips that will help you to make the best keywords and help you to get your resume discovered:
Study Other People’s Keywords
One very effective way of making the best search keywords is to find other people who are in the profession of which you would like to become, such as a game tester. Once you find these people you want to analyze the keywords that they have selected. Obviously if they are already in the industry they have done something right and it might be a wise idea to follow their example. Try to find these people on social sites such as Facebook or other social sites.
Do Not Use Acronyms
In today’s fast paced life, acronyms are commonly used. You want to avoid doing this when creating your keywords or when putting any other details into your resume. Potential employers want to be able to read your resume and be able to easily understand the information in it and not have to try and think about what an acronym means.
Research The Game Development Website
It would be a very wise idea for you to do some research on the game development website that you plan on trying to get a job for. Take the time to go through their website and find the keywords that are used on a regular basis. This is probably one of the best ways to make sure that you are using effective keywords that will get noticed.
Spell Correctly
It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to make sure that you are using correct grammar and spelling when it comes to creating search keywords. Spelling your keywords wrong will make your resume much harder to find and will also make it much more difficult to find job opening online. Even if you are lucky enough that a potential employer from a game development team finds your resume, they will surely notice the misplelled keywords. As mentioned before, game testers need to pay attention to detail so misspelling keywords would be a sure way of ensuring you do not get the job. Think about it, would you want to hire someone to work on your game that made spelling or grammar error in their resume? I’m sure you would probably not and neither would I. In fact, not too many people would so make sure you use correct grammar and make sure everything is spelled correctly!
Include Location Keywords
Believe it or not, something as simple as including location keywords in your searches and your keywords can make a huge difference. Some employers choose to do their employee searches by using location keywords. The reason they start with locations is so they can find people in a certain area and then go through those until they find a candidate for their open position. This is a great way of getting your resume seen by a game developer in your area so it is something that you should seriously consider doing.
The above are just a few examples of things to consider when making your keywords. The best thing you can do is keep in mind that you need to make your keywords relevant to game testing and the experience necessary to do so.
Wrapping Up
You can become a video game tester and you can become one of those happy people who enjoy the line of work that they do for a living. In no time at all you could be living a life that you are content with and could have some serious cash flowing in. It just depends on how much effort and determination you are going to put in to it. The more you work towards your goal the quicker it will come.
You must remember that even the best written resumes and all the effort in the world does not necessarily guarantee a call back, and interview or a job. The only thing that will guarantee that you land your dream job of being a video game tester is getting out on the grind and trying game develop after game developer until you get hired. Remember, even if you do not end up with your desired company at first, any game testing job is more experience and will possibly open doors of opportunity into the company of your dreams.