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Chapter 1
No man is an island.
That may sound a cliché but it definitely holds true to everyone – to you, to me, to them.
Remember the first man God has made? He was Adam. He lived alone for a while- the length of time we do not know. However, God saw that he was sad and lonely. He was the highest creature that was made. He had everything he wanted. Yet, he was not happy. Why? It is simply because life without other people is not worth living.
Imagine yourself in Adam’s place. You’ve got all the food you want to eat, beautiful places you want to go, and money you want to spend. You have everything you want to have, and you are going to make use of them- alone.
Perhaps, it was not easy for Adam. And God saw what was missing in his life. Another human being was created to live with him and journey life’s highway with him. He became happy. He became contented.
That is also the scenario in our lives. We may have everything we need even what we want. But, there got to be people in our lives whom we can share our lives with.
The fact is that, we were created sociable. Not only does it apply to people before. Until now, it still remains the same. Being sociable is not something we can avoid nor hide. It is in us and all we can do is accept it and make it work for us.
Yes, man can live alone. In fact, a lot of people nowadays are independent. They have a house of their own, earn real cash for themselves, eat alone, and sleep alone. But despite that, they still have people around them whom they consult to occasionally. They still get to mingle with others at times. They still converse with people once in a while. They may say they are alone, but not most of time.
We all need friends.
Friends are those people we are comfortable with. Those we can chat with and hang-out a lot. They are the ones whom we get to relax with when we are so stress from school and work. They are those who offer help when we desperately need it. The ones we can rely on and trust our secrets to.
However, we need to consider that people are not the same. Our traditions and beliefs may not coincide. Our thoughts different from them, our like and dislike may not be the same – so as friendships.
Basically, friendships are not the same. Because people are unique in every way, our friends also vary. Our kinship with people is of different levels.
Some are true friends, some are not. Some are your friends only when you have money. Some are just your hang-out friends. Others are just visiting friends. But the fact is that, they are still your friends.
They may not be the same, but you are still able to share your life with them in different aspects you can ever think of. Indeed, you can’t make it alone.
Perhaps you want to build friendships with a lot of people but are having difficulty around.
This eBook provides you with tips, ideas and advices you can use to gain a lot of new friends.
Friends are everywhere; you just have to know how to handle them well.
Chapter 2
Baby Steps To Making New Friends
First impression lasts.
In making new friends, your disposition and manner of getting along with people at first meeting most of the times matter.
A smile always captivates a person. Not only does it brighten your day, but most importantly, it gives the new people you meet a hint that you are friendly and approachable. Based on observation, those people who are not smiling are perceived as strict and closed type of people. Thus, don’t forget to wear your smile every day.
Being well-groomed is also liked by a lot of people. A person who doesn’t know you will always look at your outward appearance. After looking at your face, your clothes and dress up will be the next thing to be observed. If you are always seen dirty and not well-dressed, people will not be interested to make friends with you, except for few who like dirty-look. Otherwise, being clean and fresh is mostly desirable.
As you start a conversation with someone new, always maintain a good eye-contact with that person. By that, you will be sensed as someone who is sincere and a good listener. People always want to be listened and by simply lending an ear attentively, that person will feel respected.
Giving compliments to people will also increase your degree of being treated as a friend. Somehow, it gives the person you are talking to sense of belongingness and value. When a person is discouraged, a compliment remark always gives comfort and encouragement.
Showing your interest in other people is also an effective way of making friends. Focusing on them will make them feel that you are concerned with them and that you are indeed a potential good friend they can count on.
Having a balanced emotion at hand gives people an impression of your maturity as a person. Hence, it would be good if you are always watching on how you carry your emotions whatever situation you are in.
These are only few of the ways how you can gain new friends. There are still a lot of things you can effectively do to befriend new people. However, you don’t need a long list of these steps. So long as you master and apply these steps appropriately, lot of new friends is just around the corner.