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Your body language doesn’t lie to anyone. No matter what you are trying to convey if your body language doesn’t match then people will not respect or listen intently to you.
A great example of a group of people who use body language as a persuasive tool are lawyers. Their closing arguments consist of persuading the jury to side with them and deliver the verdict on their side. If you have ever seen a good lawyer in action you know how passionate they can get. They will gesture with their arms and often slap text books down on a bench to attract attention to a certain point.
By body language we mean how you position your body for example how close do you stand next to someone, do you shake hands with the person and what expression do you have on your face.
Your eyes can give away a lot without you realizing it. Even the way you touch objects or the way you fiddle with your hair or jewelry. All of these things tell other people a lot about you. First impressions count and these are often conveyed by your body language. Plus it is often very difficult to change a first impression once it has been set in someone’s mind.
If you are not getting the results you want from your persuasive efforts then it is time to change things up. One of the first things people recommend is to change your body language.
When you are talking with someone you want to pay attention to what they are doing. If they are talking in a soft voice then you should do the same. If they are not boisterous and outgoing you want to tone things down to match them.
The more someone likes you the easier it will be to get want you want when it comes to persuasion. Not everyone you meet is going to remember everything that you talked about but they will remember how you made them feel. If they were uncomfortable they will remember this the next time they see you. So how do you make people want to meet you again?
This comes down to your body language and your appearance. One of the first things you should do when talking with someone is to make eye contact and shake hands with confidence. If you constantly look away while talking this will come across as avoidance on your part and will not help you get what you are after.
One of the easiest things to do is smile as this relaxes you and everyone around you and puts them at ease. You immediately come across as approachable and friendly.
Dressing for success is important too and this includes wearing the right colors. There is an entire business that deals with helping people choose the right colored clothes. You will be categorized into one of the four seasons; Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter.
Wearing the right colors and dressing for success are so important and there is even research which shows what colors you should wear according to the time of day. This is related to the techniques of Fung Shui which uses energy levels.
People who dress in bright colors are immediately more noticeable than those who dress in dark navy blues, grays and blacks. What you wear will leave a lasting impression on those around you, so don’t overlook this important factor.