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It’s normal to get caught up in the frenzy of day-to-day life and forget all the dreams and hopes you once had. You go through the daily motions by rote as though you’re a robot.
You wake up, get dressed, prepare breakfast, send the kids off to school, go to work, come back home, play with the kids for a bit, have dinner, sleep.
Is that your life in a nutshell? Don’t you just get bored with it all? Was there ever a time when you felt happy and free? Perhaps, when you were younger, when you didn’t have a ton of responsibility on your shoulders?
Wouldn’t you like to go back to that and just be happy again? You know, spend more time with your family and do stuff together?
While it may seem extremely difficult right now or maybe even impossible, depending on where you are at right now, know that freedom is within your reach.
Sure, it may take years and years, but if you plan your ‘escape’ properly, you can certainly make it.
In this guide, I will show you everything you need to know so you can choose your own path, and live a happy and fulfilled life.
Chapter 1 - Acknowledging Your Cage
“The secret to happiness is freedom... And the secret to freedom is courage.” - Thucydides
Most of you reading this guide are probably living free lives. You’re not trapped in a physical cage or prison cell. But if you feel constricted, if you feel like the walls are closing in around you and you can’t breathe, then you’re most likely trapped in a mental cage or mental prison.
Your mental cage is exactly what the label says - it’s all in your mind. Your mind is trapping your thoughts and your physical body from within. It’s literally poisoning you from the inside out.
The truth is, even if you live in a real cage, you can still be happy and free. How? By breaking away from the stifling confines of your mind, of negativity, of various stressors in your life.
Unlocking your cage
The first thing you need to do to achieve freedom is to unlock your cage. But this is much harder than it sounds.
First of all, do you even know where the key is?
You can try looking for it in your surroundings, in your relationships, in your place of work, everywhere really, but you’re not going to find it there. Instead, you need to look deep within you. YOU hold the key to your freedom.
You can walk out of your cage anytime you want to, but for some reason, which only you know of, you’re unwilling or unable to. You’re trapping yourself inside.
Is it because you feel safer there? Do you think the big bad wolves or the harsh reality of life is going to come get you the moment you step out of your cage?
Getting out of your self-imposed prison requires courage. Tons of courage. This is because breaking free of a mental cage isn’t exactly as clear-cut as trying to escape from a physical cage, where you can visually identify exit points.
With a physical cage, you can easily spot where the door, window, or any other weak points are, so you can break it down and be on the road to freedom. With a mental cage, on the other hand, you wouldn’t even know where to begin!
What you need to unlock
Getting out of your self-imposed prison is very much possible. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Here’s what you need to free yourself from your cage:
If you truly want to get out of your cage, then you need to be committed to getting out. If you don’t commit or stick to your plans, then you’ll just be going back to your cage. You’ll be imprisoning yourself again. And you’ll be back to square one.
You’ve identified your purpose – a life of freedom. You can’t ever achieve it if you don’t commit and act towards achieving your ultimate goal It’s so easy to fall back on old habits. One simple mistake can cause all your hard work to come tumbling down, and you’ll be back to where you started. And it’s oh so easy to say “I quit” the moment obstacles start blocking your path.
You must have the courage to keep on renewing your commitment every single day. Nobody said this was going to be easy. You’ve got to figure out what’s going to keep you motivated all throughout your journey.
The thing is you don’t actually need to be alone in your journey. Find someone to help you become accountable. You’ll get to your goals faster if you have someone cheering you on from the sidelines.
There’s just too much negativity going on in the world right now. No matter how committed you think you are, if you don’t have an ounce of positivity within you, then you’re most probably going to fail.
You see, you’re fighting yourself. You’re fighting the darkness and the negativity inside you. How can you do that if you don’t throw some light on? It’s your positivity that’s going to show you the key to unlock your cage! It’s going to help you figure out what you need to do so you can be free.
Your positivity is going to be your main weapon throughout your journey of self-discovery. The road to happiness and freedom will be full of challenges and obstacles. You need all the positivity you can get to surpass and overcome every little thing that’s going to stand in your way.
Chapter 2 – Rediscovering Who You Are
“Whatever it takes to find the real you, don't be daunted if the rest of the world looks on in shock.” - Stephen Richards
When you’ve been trapped in your cage for far too long, you tend to forget who you really are. You’ve become so used to pretending to be someone else that you feel like you don’t know yourself anymore. You’ve buried the real you so long ago, you feel like it’s going to be impossible to revive your old self now.
The good news is that when you finally get to unlock your cage, you can reconnect with the old you - the real you. You never really left, you were just hidden from view underneath all the different hats you had to wear.
Who are you, really?
When you come out of your cage, you’ll realize the world isn’t what it once was. Everything’s changed. Your old friends have probably all moved away and now live very different lives from yours. What you used to find interesting may no longer appeal to you.
Fortunately, there are quite a few ways you can get to know who you really are right at this very moment.
The first thing you need to figure out is who you really want to be and what you really want to do.
Sure, you may have other people dependent on you now, like your spouse and your kids, and your world revolves around them. But you don’t have to be just a wife and a mother, or a husband and a father. You can still be your own self!
You still have your own identity. But, the thing is, you’re not the same person anymore.
You’ve grown over the years – you’ve become more mature, you’ve become more experienced, you’ve become more knowledgeable about life. That’s who you need to discover – the YOU in these present times.
Take it slowly
Over time, you may have forgotten your desires and lost touch with your old self. Rushing your journey may scare you back into your cage. You don’t want that to happen. You want to liberate yourself!
Let the process of rediscovering yourself happen naturally. Explore your wants and your desires, and let the “real” you come out slowly. Take baby steps if necessary, and get reacquainted with who you really are.
Take some ‘me’ time every day. Even just a few minutes a day can do wonders for you.
You can start a journal where you write down every little thing you can think of. Don’t worry if what you’re writing down seems silly. It’s okay, you’re the only one who’s going to read it!
Writing your thoughts down will help you figure out what you really want and who you really are. There’s something cathartic about writing, use it to help you get out of your shell.
You can also re-live your favorite memories, your favorite places, your favorite people, the favorite things you used to do way back when. What was it about those things that made you so happy and free? Is it possible for you to recreate those scenarios?