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Natural search or what they term "organic" search traffic is great, but it takes a while to build up. But there are other search engines you may not be aware of. They're specifically geared toward searching for blogs.
One of the oldest is Technorati at http://technorati.com. If you have a blog and haven't "claimed" it at Technorati, it's probably a good thing to do. Your site will be indexed and ranked, and you could pick up an audience, too. The more people who like your blog the higher it will rise in the rankings.
There are other less "interactive" blog searches, too, like Blogsearch. Google.com or IceRocket, but there are many more. List your blog with as many as possible. But the interactive sites are very popular right now. I'm sure you've heard of MySpace and YouTube, or you've been hiding in a closet somewhere. These sites bring traffic, but there are hundreds of sites that will have the same effect, if you get involved in what's called "Web 2.0."
StumbleUpon: When you write a post, you can "StumbleUpon" it. Give each of your pages a StumbleUpon vote and watch your traffic soar. To get to that page, rather than just the first page of your blog, you'll need to click on the post's title (if you're using WordPress) or click on a link that says "permalink." That will take you to a page with the precise post number included. StumbleUpon those each time you post.
Reddit: This is somewhat like Digg, except it's A LOT more popular and is often responsible for sending things into worldwide viral status. There's a section on this site for just about every topics you can think of. You can create an account and submit your offer, picture, or anything to the “sub-reddit” to get traffic. People then upvote or downvote your post, which impacts it's overall visibility. You need to make sure that the content you post is relevant and valuable to the community in order to increase your chances of higher exposure. It's also important to interact with the community regularly if you want to make tons of connections and build a dedicated following.
Digg: Digg was created mainly to mark news stories for its members--news stories of interest. Well, when you post to your blog, that's news right? Unless you've posted nothing but a picture or silly nonsense or random musings, Digg will accept your vote for other people to see what you've voted on. Be sure that your post is an article, though, or your page might be "buried." You don't want that.
Most of these sites work the same way or similarly to the sites above. Others include Furl, and RawSugar, but there are hundreds. Sign up for as many as you can, and each day enter your posts into as many sites as you can. The more you enter, the more your traffic you'll get to your blog.