Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Chapter 5: Content Membership Contribution
If you have your very own E-product, you can easily submit your product to a high-traffic membership site that provides quality content.
The concept is also similar to blog and article contributors except that it takes it up a notch to E-book creation.
The nature of these content membership sites requires new content to be added in from time to time.
What better way to get your own product in front of the eyes of thousands of resellers and Internet marketers who can’t wait to sell YOUR product for their own profits (assuming that your product has resell rights to it of course).
The Members Are Your Resellers
If your E-product has master resell rights or unrestricted private label rights, you can be sure that your products will be all over the Internet in no time.
Resellers are always looking for products with a complete sales letter to it. If you have drafted out a sales letter that converts well, you can be sure that a lot of resellers will ‘cut-and-paste’ your sales letter and your E-book and sell it to their mailing list.
The same goes for certain PLR products as well.
The most important thing for you to remember is this – your books must constantly lead the readers to your websites.
Your links must be placed strategically in the E-books and as your E-books are duplicated all over the Internet, you can be sure to drive plenty of new visitors to your website – even if they are not in your circle of influence!
Chapter 6: Flooding Your Site With Forum Traffic
A signature on the forum is something like a P.S. at the bottom of a forum post and it used as an advertisement for any website you are promoting.
The signature is automatically inserted into some emails but it works very well in high traffic forums as well.
This is one of the best sources for free traffic that you can utilize. Here’s how:
Write a one-liner description about yourself and place the URL of your site right beneath it. e.g. Jimmy Sloth – Internet marketer and free traffic expert.
The Right Niche
One of the best ways to search for the right niche is to do a simple search on Google.
Find the niche you are targeting and enter the keyword followed by the word ‘forum’.
(For example: if you are looking for visitors to check out your cooking website, do a search for the word cooking forum).
You will see a list of forums that you can tap into. Find the topic that everyone is talking about or asking a lot of questions.
These people are your gold mine! The reason why they keep asking these questions is because answers have yet to surface and this will be your chance to show them what your website has to offer!
Sign up as a forum member and start contributing as a regular. After awhile people will start noticing you and they will start replying to your messages. Some of them will click on your link and it will lead them to your website.
Certain forums also allow forum members to post their offers on the forum as well.
Chapter 7: Summary
The best thing about free traffic is that you don’t have to worry about failing. After all, the worst thing that can happen is that you don’t get any traffic and you’ve wasted some time.
But for most of the examples mentioned above, you will still have your E-products with you!
You still have your articles, blog posts, E-books that you can reuse for another website!
Here is a recap of what we’ve learnt:
Viral marketing is one of the most powerful ways to drive traffic. Make sure you find the right ‘carrier’!
How to make use of fire sales and generate lots of paid traffic to your websites.
How to become a contributor to high traffic blogs and increase your credibility, exposure and traffic!
How to use one simple article and drive traffic from hundreds of article directories online
How to make use of content membership sites by submitting your E-product and leveraging on resellers everywhere to promote your book for you!
How to drive traffic from forums using signatures.
Make sure you take action and get started immediately!