Ebook Sample Content Preview:
During steps 1-7 we've been focusing on establishing and building your affiliate team. Now, it's time to switch gears a bit. We're going to take a look at how to keep your affiliates active and loyal.
By now, sales are beginning to come in. Many of your new customers will become new affiliates, who will, of course, bring in new customers. Many of which will become new affiliates. And the cycle continues.
When I began the Profits Vault affiliate program I had an even half dozen affiliates. Through those affiliates ALONE (I have tracked this very carefully) within 4 months I had over 425 NEW affiliates in the reseller program.
How? Those original 6 affiliates brought in customers through their promotion of my products. Many of those customers became affiliates themselves. They all continued to promote. It spread quickly like a virus. Soon there were 425 affiliates recruited into the program that I had no contact with whatsoever prior to joining my program.
Within another 4 months, this number will triple. There will be over 1,000 affiliates in my program... ...all because of the work of those original 6. God bless them all!
If you have completed steps 1-7 (and continue to do them as often as you can) your affiliate program WILL grow - and much of it ON ITS OWN as new affiliates refer new customers to your products, who in turn begin promoting themselves.