Ebook Sample Content Preview:
In this message, ask their feedback about the offers you've been making and/or your business. Mention that you're doing a survey of why some people are not open to this type of offer or solution or why they are hesitant to join. You'll get some good feedback of the concerns that other people have about your program and if these concerns arise again, you can expect some answers that you can give to your prospects. Lastly, leave a link to your website, the offer, and anything else like your social networks, and encourage them to connect with you.
These are just sample email templates that you can write and upload them into your autoresponder system. They don't have to be in an order like above and they don't have to be only 7 of them. You can write as many as you want about any subjects that you like. However, observe that in every email message that you write, you want to end with a call of action for your prospects to visit your website or contact you for more information.
A good website, with direct-marketing sales copy, can do a lot of back end converting for you, and potentially make you a ton of sales Now that you have your messages uploaded into your autoresponder system, you want to let a lot of people know about your mailing list.
But, before that, you need to give a reason why these people should request more information from you and be in your mailing list.
Building Your Email List (To Use Those Follow Ups)
Some companies decide to send customers a free newsletter to get an email list. But there are other ways to collect email addresses.
Sometimes having a newsletter just doesn’t make any sense for your company. For instance, if you happen to sell dishwashers, how much information could you send your customer, daily, on dishwashers.
So, instead here are a few other options for increasing your email list.
You could run a contest. The puzzle, game or task should be easy and straightforward so that you don’t frustrate the customer and you still get their email address in the end.
A great incentive to collect email addresses would be a free eBook. People love getting free stuff, especially eBooks that interest them. Remember, it doesn’t have to be 100 pages long; five to ten pages will work fine.
Surveying the customer is a great way to collect email addresses. You can find out what the customer likes/dislikes, and what they have problems with or need solutions for. Advertise your opt-in offer in an e-zine or classified ad. It actually doesn’t cost tons of money and if you find the right place to advertise, you could see dramatic results.
Email signatures, or electronic signatures, is a three to six line footer that you can add to the bottom of each email message you send out with your name, company and a free report with a link attached. You will be surprised how many visitors you get this way.