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Chapter 9: Use Affirmations to Stay on Course
The thoughts you think, the words you say are all affirmations. All of your inner dialogues or self talks are streams of affirmations. You are continually affirming unknowingly with your thoughts and words and these flows of affirmations are creating your life experiences every moment.
Your beliefs are learned through different patterns that you have developed ever since childhood, many of them work for you, but other things may be working not so well or against you. They are often dysfunctional and even sabotaging you from achieving your goals. Every affirmation you think and say reflects your beliefs and inner truth.
Using Affirmations Keeps You on Track
When people hear the words “positive affirmation for success”, the first thing that usually comes to their mind is creating wealth. There is more to it than that, it is more than an attitude, it is a strength coming from within. It is a feeling.
Using positive affirmations aimed for success tends to be the habit within you. Everyone wants to have and live a successful life, and the secret to this is to build self confidence in them. Your life may throw you curved balls at times, by ways of trials, hardships, and struggles, but positive affirmations will help you stay on course and even flourish.
Will affirmations help you? You ask. Yes. Regardless of what aspects of life you are dealing with, no matter who you really are, affirmations don’t only help you to feel better towards your life and yourself. But if you use them correctly, they can absolutely manifest changes in life - Changing your thinking, reprogramming the mind, and removing negative old beliefs that always sabotage you all through your life. Such positive affirmations ca definitely helps you to stay on the right path – the path that can lead you to the life that you have always wished for.