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These 52 Fitness Secrets will reveal simple advice on exactly what you need to do to transform your body and give you the ability to live life to its fullest. Ready? Let’s dive in…
52 Fitness Secrets You Need To Know
1. Find Your WHY (Burning Desire)
Do you know your reason why? It’s your reason why that spurs you to action and keeps you from quitting.
If your reason why isn’t big enough, you’ll stay on the couch, or at least go back to it after a few weeks. Find a big enough reason why and you’ll push through to success. Do you know your reason why? Well figure it out!
2. Forgive Yourself
Life is about mistakes. We all make them. All the freaking time! It’s not whether or not you make a mistake, it’s how you react to it that counts.
Don’t let a mistake like missing a few workouts, or binging in front of the television one night completely throw you off your game and cause you to quit.
Acknowledge you slipped, and start fresh in the morning. Don’t let it fester and become a big thing so that before you know it, you’ve been eating Krispy Kreme for three months and haven’t worked out, either!
You can’t change yesterday. Focus on now!
3. Eliminate Negativity (Yeah, People, Too!)
Sadly, some of the biggest obstacles to overcome when trying to make positive changes in your life are your friends and family.
They have many reasons, I’m sure, from trying to “protect” you or your self-esteem to trying to sabotage you out of fear because if you make all these positive changes you might just leave them behind as they still go to happy hour (for hours), party late into the morning and sleep half the day, and while away the hours in front of the television.
Whew! That was a long sentence!
You need to make very clear what your goals are and that you need their support. If they can’t support you, they can’t be around you. Sure, that sounds harsh but sometimes necessary.
4. Turn Off The Freaking TV!
You heard me! Don’t look at me like that! Everybody is too freaking busy for this and that and the other thing, yet they spend 10 plus hours a week watching television.
Here’s a shocking news alert for you. 99.99% of what is on TV is complete crap! Turn it off!