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Chapter 5: Work 4 Hours A Day and Retire In 6 Months
Now that you have discovered a few business models you can work with, you must get started immediately! Take action right now! Here are a few tips that will assist you and help you to achieve your goals within 6 months!
Think long term
Do not just think of earning ‘enough’. You need to think long term and build a business that is sustainable. It is like shooting for the stars. If you shoot for the stars, you might not be able to clear the skies, but at least, you will be able to cross the fence.
If you aim too low or too short term, you will fail easily because more than often, we usually don’t usually accomplish our goals to our expectations.
Build your business around your interests
In some business models like blogging, you must be passionate about what you are doing. If you do not build your business around your interests, people will be able to sense it. It would look ‘fake’ and you will not be able to sustain your interests. Before long, you will be thinking about giving up.
If your business if focused on your interests, you will not feel as though you are taking another job. After all, having ONE job is already bad enough. We want to FREE ourselves from our job, not get another one.
Invest your salary into your business
Certain business models require you to make some investments. Like outsourcing, buying domain names, paid traffic and others. Do not believe the myth that it doesn’t cost money to build a business online – it is inexpensive but NOT free.
The advantage of having a job is that you can invest some of your salary to get things done. After all you only have 4 hours and the weekends to build your business. You must learn to invest your time AND money wisely to achieve maximum results.