Ebook Sample Content Preview:
The Kindle publishing platform is the greatest thing to come along since sliced bread! Never before has there been such an opportunity for anyone to be published. For the average person looking to make some extra money online it is also probably one of the easiest routes to go. You just have to produce quality work, Amazon takes care of all the heavy lifting when it comes to marketing and selling your work. I too jumped into the Kindle publishing game awhile back. I only have a handful of titles up but they are making me a few dollars, more so than anything else I have ever tried online.
In this section, I just wanted to share my thoughts, both from my observations and my personal experience, on Kindle publishing. I’m not a guru or anything but I have learned a lot over the past year or so. I have also learned a lot just by going through the new books on kinlib every morning. I highly recommend for any publisher who wants to see what’s going on. I have also bought almost every Kindle publishing product put out. Its appalling some of the total crap has been put forth by some of these guys. And I watched some of it actually end up on Amazon and get slammed by customers. Does anybody actually think you can put out a quality product in 30 minutes or plagiarize a handful of recipes off a website and make something worth spending money on? Amazon customers don’t think so!
I might be a Kindle publisher, but I am first and foremost a reader. I have been an avid reader all my life. I love books! And I think you have to approach your publishing this way too if you are going to put out quality products. Look at your product. Is it something you would be happy purchasing as a customer? Or would you be disappointed you spent money on? Or maybe you even feel ripped off because its total crap? Put the customer experience first and you will have a quality product you can be proud to put your name on.
Book Covers
Like it or not people do judge a book by its cover. If that cover is boring or looks like crap they are on to the next book. This is one reason I like browsing through kinlib for new books so much – I get a good look at the covers. Some mornings I will just skim through the selections based on the covers.
Your book needs a cover. It doesn’t have to be perfect but it must contain the basic elements a book buyer is used to seeing on a book cover. Believe it or not I still run across books being put up with no cover! Why waste your time publishing if you are too lazy to even put up a cover?