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Do you feel stuck in your life right now? Do you know that there is much more to life than you are currently experiencing but you don’t know what this is? Do you feel that you are just drifting along in life and that you have no real purpose? If any of those questions apply to you then this is definitely the right guide for you.
Most people just drift along in life and complain when things don’t turn out as they want them to. They do not have any direction and just take the path of least resistance. A small percentage of people know exactly what the purpose of their life is and are constantly striving for fulfillment.
The secret to fulfillment and happiness in life is to know your true purpose and to set goals to support it. Some people know this but struggle to find their true calling. They will often experiment a lot in the vain hope that they might stumble on the right thing. This rarely works.
In this guide you will learn the importance of discovering your WHY. We will show you how to find your WHY by asking yourself the right questions. You will also learn how to create a compelling and powerful WHY statement.
Having a strong WHY statement is just the start. You then have to live by it to attain total fulfillment. We will show you effective ways that you can live by your WHY and keep it uppermost in your mind.
Finding your true purpose in life is something that everyone should strive for. You are so far ahead of most of the population by reading this guide and being willing to take action with what you learn here. Finding your WHY is a true “eureka” moment and you will be very grateful that you experienced it.
There is nothing more satisfying than realizing what your true calling in life is. This will provide you with the clarity and direction that you need in your life. So read every word of this powerful guide and start your journey to discover your WHY and communicate your purpose to the world.
There are probably many people who consider themselves “stuck” in their lives right now. Are you one of them? Do you know what the real meaning and purpose of your life is? Have you set goals and failed to achieve them? Or maybe you achieved your goals but felt that there was still something lacking in your life?
If you do feel stuck then don’t worry because you are not alone. It is a common feeling that a lot of people experience. Fortunately you had the foresight to grab a copy of this guide to help you move away from “stuck” to clarity, purpose and fulfillment.
The Problem with Goals
Very few people set goals so if you do this you need to congratulate yourself because you are certainly in the top 5%. A lot of people will set goals without fully understanding why they have set them.
If you do this then it is unlikely that you are going to achieve your goals because you do not have a driving force pushing you to overcome the obstacles that you will inevitably face so that you can achieve them.
Human beings do everything for a reason. What is the difference between a person that goes all out to achieve their dreams and someone that tries their best? Well the first person is completely driven – they are inspired and motivated to achieve their dreams no matter what. The second person is nowhere near as committed as this.
So what does all of this mean? What it means is that when you set your goals you need to have a strong reason as to why you want to achieve them. It has to be a strong reason because weaker reasons won’t cut it.
Here is an example. A woman decides that she wants to set a goal to lose 20 pounds in 3 months. She communicates this with her friends and family and they ask her why she wants to do this. She replies “I want to fit into that summer dress I bought a few years ago”.
This is a weak reason for her goal. How important is fitting into that summer dress really for her? It’s probably not that important right? OK she looked good in the dress and it cost her money but is this reason really going to motivate her to eat the right things and participate in an exercise routine every day?
Contrast this to a reason like “I want to lose those 20 pounds so I can feel super sexy and turn heads wherever I go”. Would that inspire and motivate you more than just fitting into an old dress? Of course it would!
Human Behavior is Driven by Emotion
We have thoughts in our heads and these make us feel a certain way. Some of these thoughts will stir strong emotions within us and make us take certain actions. A single man sees a beautiful girl at a party. He is captivated by her beauty and wants to get to know her. The thoughts in his head stir up different emotions.
On the positive side he can see himself walking around with this gorgeous girl on his arm. He would have so much love for her and literally do anything for her. The negative side of this is that he has seen several guys approach her and be rejected. Rejection is not something that he really wants to deal with. So what does he do?
He plucks up the courage and goes over to her. He comments on how nice her hair looks and that she shouldn’t be alone. While he is doing this his body is preparing itself for the feeling of rejection but he pushes through this. The girl likes him and they spend the evening together.
Why did the man choose the positive emotion over the negative? He did this because the feelings were stronger to him. Stronger emotions will always trump weaker ones when it comes to our behavior.
Think about the woman that wanted to lose 20 pounds. It is her birthday and someone brigs a delicious birthday cake to her house. She is salivating over this cake but knows that she shouldn’t eat even the smallest portion of it. After all she wants to fit in that summer dress again.
She rationalizes all of this in her head and then thinks “who cares about the dress it’s my birthday!” And of course she will eat some of the cake and put her weight loss progress back considerably.
If she wanted to lose the weight to be sexy and turn heads then do you think that she would respond in a different way? We think that it is more likely that she will reject the offer of the cake if that is her reason for losing the weight. The emotion is very strong in this reason and it will probably win the day.
You need a Strong WHY
We have all done things where we had to push through the pain barrier or overcome very big obstacles to achieve something. The thing that gave us the strength and tenacity to do this was the reason “why” we were doing it.