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What is Inner Peace and How Can I Achieve It?
Inner peace is a state of mind. It is a time when your body and mind are quiet and relaxed. Inner peace allows you to have a quietness of mind. To achieve inner peace you must learn to control feelings of trouble from stress and complete exhaustion from what goes on around you every day in the world.
Inner peace allows your body and mind to help keep obstacles out of your way. It allows you to feel serenity even at times when stressful situations arise. Your brain power controls all of the power of your being and if you can control the way you respond to certain situations, you can achieve inner peace.
When inner peace is achieved you will find you are more creative, intuitive and have a quietness of mind that will allow you to achieve more in your life. You have the ability within you right now to achieve inner peace. In this report we will discuss several ways for you to arrive at your own inner peace.
Do you want to inner peace? Of course everyone has a need for it at some time in their life. Do you feel that you have the ability to use your mind to control the way you react to things? The answer is yes, everyone has the ability to use their mind to improve their lives.
In order to start working towards finding your inner peace do the following exercise and see if it helps you get closer.
Achieving Inner Peace Achieving Inner Peace Achieving Inner Peace Achieving Inner Peace Achieving Inner Peace Achieving Inner Peace Achieving Inner Peace Achieving Inner Peace
Do you find yourself suffering from stress or constant tiredness? Are you looking for a way to reach an inner peace that will make your life easier and more comfortable? Inner peace is a state of mind. In order to achieve inner peace, you will need to learn how to control your mind. Inner peace can only be achieved through a quietness of your mind. By learning how to control your mind and tuning in to your inner quietness, you can achieve inner peace.
At first you may be surprised at how difficult it is to just sit quietly, not move and complete tune out all thoughts. This is something that you will need to work on every day for a least a couple of minutes a few times a day until you can achieve at least 5 to 10 minutes of complete quietness of your mind.
In order to start, sit straight up in a comfortable chair and keep your body completely still. This may take several tries in order to achieve this. Start off first by just trying to keep your body completely still. Keep working at it until you can keep your entire body still for five minutes. Once you can do this, then you can move on to trying to keep your mind quiet.
Spend at least seven days once you have learned how to keep your body still sitting in a chair at least twice a day. Once you have achieved seven days of doing this, you can then move on to trying to keep your mind from thinking any thoughts during this time.
This can be challenging as your mind is constantly thinking of thoughts and ideas or about things you need to get done. Start off by sitting in the chair with your body completely still and find one word that you find calming (a one syllable word works best), and repeat it yourself over and over again. This will help to keep all other thoughts out of your mind.
Practice doing this for the next seven days or until you can sit completely still and keep all thoughts out of your mind without having to use your word. This will take a lot of practice, but it will be well worth your time. The time that you spend sitting still and keeping your mind completely clear is a good step towards achieving inner peace. The more you practice that the longer you will be able to do it in one sitting. Your goal would be to do this for at least 15 to 20 minutes at one time.
This is one step toward achieving inner peace. Here are some other things you can work on to gain inner peace and make life calmer and more peaceful.
Another thing that stops many people from achieving inner peace is living in the past. Do you find yourself worrying about past mistakes or errors in judgment? Are you having hard time letting them go or forgiving yourself? Try this exercise and see if it helps relieve some of your worry and stress over past errors that
cannot be changed.
The best way to find inner peace is to let things go. Now I realize that it's easier said than done. However you can work towards controlling your mind to let them go.
Start out by making a list of all the things that you allow yourself to worry about frequently. Write down past mistakes or errors that you have made that still worry you and make you get stressed out.
Next, write each one on a separate piece of paper. Make sure that you list every thing from the past that you cannot change by worrying about in the present. Keep writing until you have all of them listed.
The next step is to take each page and read it and then repeat out loud what it says. Next, say I will no longer allow this to bother me. I do not need this in my life anymore. Worrying about it will not change the fact that it happened. Feeling guilty or stressed constantly about it will not make it go away or make me feel better. I refuse to allow this to remain in my mind causing me anguish.
Now, take this piece of paper and put it in a metal wastebasket and burn it. Say goodbye to the problem and then take the ashes and flush them down the toilet. Repeat to yourself this problem no longer has any bearing on how I feel about myself. I will no longer allow it in my mind.
Do this with every one of the pages that you have put together one at a time until they are all gone. You can do it a few a days or do them all at once. Just be sure to get rid of all the problems that worry you.
If you find yourself reverting back to worrying about any of these problems again, write down whichever one it is and follow the above exercise again. Keep doing this every time it comes up until it no longer is allowed in your mind. It may take a few times for some of the bigger worries, but as long as you stick with it, you will find that you will have fewer worries on your mind.