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What’s it that makes some people richer and richer and others poorer and poorer? Who has decreed that this divide should exist in our world? Is there any way in which the line can be crossed, and the have-nots can make their place among the privileged haves?
Can you make the jump from being the person who has to think about paying the next electricity bill to being the person who thinks about owning the electricity grid for the state?
Yes you can.
The answer lies in the mind.
The answer lies in unleashing the financial giant that resides within the mind of each and every one of us.
Chapter 1:
Mastering the Game of Wealth
Earning money is a game. The only thing is that some people hold the strings while others are the puppets. The fun part is that you can decide which side of the game you want to be on – the puppeteer or the puppet.
Mastering the Game of Wealth
No one on this planet was born lucky. Everyone ‘lucky’ that you can think of – the richest people on the planet probably – weren’t born lucky. Agreed that some of these people were born to rich families and in rich homes, but we all know that that is not enough to make things happen.
The fact is that these people have mastered the game of wealth later on in their lives. They may or may not have been born with the money, but they have learnt how to play the money game.
People speak a lot about the game of wealth without really knowing what it means. In life, we need to put in something to get something. Even with money it is like that. If you want to make money, you need to put in something. This may be a financial investment or it could be some other kind of investment such as an investment of time or effort or a particular talent or intelligence, etc. But the fact is that something needs to be invested.
However, there is a lot of difference in what people invest. Some people might invest a lot but receive very little, while there are also people who invest almost nothing but get a lot. These people know how to make the most of what they have. They know how to put in almost nothing and get what most people in the world would be in awe of. These are the people who have mastered the game of wealth.
The best thing is that the game of wealth is not inaccessible and nor is it unattainable. Anyone can attune him- or herself to become a master at this game. Whatever their current situation is, they can veer their lives in the direction of big money. You can do it too. What you need is the right mindset, the right approach and a few other things. This is where you begin.
The knowledge of becoming rich comes on later in life. This is how you can acquire your education in this area.
No One is born with the Knowledge of Becoming Rich
We have already stated how people are never born with their richness. They might be born into richness, but this richness is not theirs. If they have to make it their own, they have to work for it.
It is a fact that a rich man will be just as concerned about his son as a poor man would be. They would both think how their sons would manage things when they grew older. The bottom line here is – Every man has to work towards richness. They are not born with the knowledge.
Think about one of the richest men of our times – Bill Gates. The son of a humble attorney and a schoolteacher today has a net worth of 40 billion dollars, making him the richest businessman in the world. All his wealth has come from a single source – Microsoft – which in itself is one of the most influential companies of the world in any age and period.
Do you think Bill Gates was educated differently from the rest of us? Was he a brighter kid than all the rest? In fact, no. Yes, he did become a student at Harvard, but he left his education midway in order to pursue his business (which became Microsoft). Actually, he was once challenged by his teacher for his lackadaisical nature, when he retorted that he would earn his first million before he hit 20 years of age. Well, Bill Gates earned his first billion before he reached 21 years of age.
So what set him apart? One of the things that made him different at that time was that he knew what he wanted to do. He did not allow the razzle-dazzle of his big-name university faze him. He kept his focus on what drove him. He liaised with the right people; people who he knew could take him forward and who he could take forward in the process too. He remained truthful to himself about his financial position and he promised to himself to do better.
But, most importantly, Bill Gates did not actively think about money!
He instead thought about the quality of his product. He asked himself repeatedly, “Is what I am providing going to do anything for the world?” That is what set him apart. We usually think, “Will this make a profit for me?”, while the people who attain richness think, “Will this profit the world?”
And this knowledge does not come at birth. You learn this as you grow, just as you learn various other things. You learn that richness does not come by thinking about money; in fact, that has the opposite effect.
The thing to remember here is that no one is born with the knowledge of becoming rich. You learn that as you grow, in the same manner as you learn so many other things. But what really makes you rich is implementing this knowledge at the right moment in your life.
Chapter 3: The Mindset of the Rich
The rich mind does think differently than the middleclass mind. Yes, it is true that richness dwells in the mind and not in the bank balance.
The Mindset of the Rich
It is quite true that the rich mind thinks differently. They have a much different way of thinking from the so-called middleclass and the poor person’s mind. We have already taken a glimpse into that. The rich person’s mind thinks more about providing quality than about earning their own profit. They think about how their products benefit society. This is what makes people believe in what they give and buy those things. Making people buy their product is one of the least things in the rich person’s mind.
There are other traits that typify the rich person’s mind. One of these is the leadership qualities that they have. Look around – all rich men and women of the world today are leaders in some way or the other. Most of them are heads of state or hold some other such position of power. A lot of them are businessmen and businesswomen who command about a hundred people each day. Several of them are celebrities in the world of movies and sport; even these people are leaders in their own right because they rule the world to which they belong.
The other quality is charisma. Without that, richness does not befit a person. The person must be able to carry his or her richness. They must be able to exude the confidence from being rich. They need to have a positive attitude. What is the purpose of being rich if you are worried about your finances anyway?
Rich people also think about benevolence and charity. Every person that is rich is involved with a lot of different causes; most of them have set up NGOs and other such organizations to benefit the masses. This shows their social streak. After all, all rich men and women arise from an innate desire to do good for the society, whether that is through their commercial products or through their charitable deeds.
To be a rich person, you need to begin thinking like one. This is where you have to begin changing your personality. Read biographies of the top rich people of the world (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_billionaires_%282009%29) and see what you can take from this study.