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Chapter Four: Various Therapies
When you’re trying to conquer your fears, there is no reason why you should be going it alone. Fear is a very difficult thing to overcome, and achieving your goal of fearlessness is significantly harder if the fears which are holding you back stem from traumatic experiences in your life. This is why you should never say no to accepting help when you’re trying to overcome your fear. Help doesn’t always mean speaking to your doctor or a psychologist – you can find a lot of help and support from friends and family members who are willing to do what it takes to assist you in conquering your fears and gaining control over your anxiety.
Talking Therapy
Talking therapy is one of the best remedies for many different emotional and mental issues, with fear being one of them. For a large number of people, getting the things which scare and worry them off their chest and out in the open provides a lot of relief and can help to alleviate the burden significantly. Talking to a therapist or other trained professional about your fears provides you with a safe, non-judgemental environment in which you can be open and honest about your worst fears and the ways in which they affect!
you. Opening up in this way will then provide you with answers as to why you may feel this way along with the opportunity to learn more coping methods or strategies which are tailored to you an as individual.
Talking to friends and family members is also another great way to get help and support on your journey to fearlessness. However, if you’re planning on speaking to family or friends, it’s vital to make sure that you choose the right people to confide in.
Steer clear of anyone who is likely to mock your fears – choose friends or family members who have an understanding attitude and an open mind, who you can trust to give you the support you need and have your back. Speaking to friends and family about your fears can help to bring you closer, as chances are that the people you speak to will also have fears that they too want to overcome.
This can help you to create a ‘buddy system’, where you support each other and take on new challenges together. Having somebody by your side can immediately make facing scary situations a lot easier.