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Autoblogs are not only incredible traffic sucking tools, but they are also very quick and easy to set up.
In fact, with just a single copy of Wordpress, a hosting account and a domain name, you can set up a blog within 5 minutes.
Then, by adding in an autoblogging plugin, you can saturate your website with fresh content that will begin to drive in targeted traffic quickly.
When using autoblogs to generate traffic in which to promote your affiliate link, you will want to limit the content that appears on your website as well as choose very targeted content so that your visitors are given related material that really adds value to your site.
The majority of autoblog plugins will allow you to select content from many different channels, including You Tube Videos, and Yahoo! Answers.
Just be careful to limit the amount of content that appears each day so that your blog appears to be developed naturally, rather than on an autoblogging platform.
Now, the great thing about autoblogging is that it eliminates the time consuming process of having to generate fresh content but when it comes to promoting your affiliate links within the material, you will want to turn off “auto publish” so that you can manually edit each article to include your affiliate link.
This will only take a few minutes but by doing this you will ensure that every article and page featured on your autoblog has your affiliate link integrated into the material.