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Chapter 7: Using Flash Cards for Accelerated Learning
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go” - Dr. Seuss
Learning does not merely involve thinking. To be able to learn effectively and comprehensively, you have to make use of the different tools and devices that will help you boost learning. One of the common tools to use is flash cards. Learn how to use them for accelerated learning in this chapter.
Flashcards stay to be one of the finest tools used to memorize information. A common way to make flashcards is through the use of index cards. As a student, you may simply write a related question about the subject and then place the answer for that question on the other side. After which, you may test yourself repeatedly.
However, you have a number of ways to do in order to change the process and accelerate your learning from it. One way to do this is to fit in color into the process of making the cards. For instance, when using flashcards to learn about a certain foreign language, you can use blue color for masculine words while pink color for the feminine ones.
Using colors may also be a good way to indicate irregular and regular verbs in the foreign languages. This color coding technique is particularly useful for students who are tactile or visual learners.
Flash Memory with Flash Cards
Computer-generate cards may also be used to boost the process of learning. Students may type the list to form question cards, have them cut out, and place in the answers manually on their back sides. Tactile learners can surely take advantage from this process because writing the actual answers becomes really a part of the process of learning. So, when you find that filling out the answers on the flashcards manually works best for you, you may just repeat the printing process of the list and having the answers written.
If you wish to utilize the cards repetitively for the whole school year, you can have them laminated. You may keep blank card at hand for taking notes in the class. Once you hear a vital term, you may write it down on the card immediately and have the answers added later, once you study. The process motivates you from reinforcing the information you attend to the class.
When studying through the use of flashcards, you can form a tiny check mark on the side of the ones you get correctly. Once you’ve made 2 or 3 marks on the card, you may place it within the separate pile. Continue through the main pile till all cards receive 2 or 3 marks.
You can cut up poster boards to form very huge cards. They come in several colors, thus giving you the chance to use them to allocate particular meanings.
Make sure to take advantage from these tips on using flash cards while studying to see just how useful they are for accelerating learning.
Chapter 8: Prioritize Your Studies and Retire Yourself from Too Many Social Activities
“Truthfully, the most important thing in life is knowing what the most important things in life are, and prioritizing them accordingly.” - Melchor Lim
Everyone has their individual priorities, but not all of them know which is the most important among them. Students might know that studies is their first priority, but do not get to successfully accomplish it. While many students engage themselves in too many social activities, most of them normally overlook their priorities.
As a student, you must already know how to prioritize things. You should know that your studies are more important than socializing. Socializing is also good at times, but spending much of your time in it is never a good idea. This is especially true if you are still a student.
Alerts, alarms, lists, bells, warnings, and reminders are sounding off from your clocks, computers and phones, all prompting you to remember. Keep in mind the date, the schedule, the term paper, the tests, and all. The dissonance of the bells is sufficient to let you unplug those useful assistants and silent them for good.
Studies First Before Anything Else
The whistles and bells might help you remember of doing something, yet they are not useful in setting your priorities effectively. To learn prioritizing your tasks, you can depend on the traditional method known as “the list”. However, do not halt with the typical “to-do” list. It may help you organize your tasks and priorities.
Prioritizing skills are considered as the person’s capability to determine which tasks are more vital at every moment and offer those tasks more time, energy, and attention. You give emphasis on the things that are essential without regard for activities with lower value.
So, if you are a student who is responsible enough of your actions, you will realize that your studies are more important than socializing. As a student, you should know that your first priority is your studies and not to expand with socialization. It is not bad to socialize, in fact, it is healthy. However, having too much of it that you even overlook your priorities is never a good idea.
Instead of wasting too much of your time and energy socializing, why don’t you strive to have good grades and high ratings on your exams by spending enough time studying. Spending too much time studying might not eliminate your social life. If you want, you can even combine your studies with socialization by forming a study group. In this way, you can sustain studying while socializing with your group mates through collaboration.
Chapter 9: Form a Study Group, Not Group Gossiping
“Study is the bane of childhood, the oil of youth, the indulgence of adulthood, and a restorative in old age” - Walter Savage Landor
Sometimes, a student is unable to absorb the important lessons in mind due to the tempting acts of the people around him/her. Gossiping is a common act among students that has to be addressed, as it can greatly affect the learning capability of anyone. This is especially true when using study group as your method towards studying. Learn to form study group rather than group gossiping.