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Great Ways to Make Your Farm Unique
When you visit Farmville each day, you may notice pictures of some amazing farms as you wait for your farm to load. Do you find yourself scrounging through the market trying to find the rolling hills and waterfalls you see? Would you believe that there are no waterfalls or rolling hills? They are all created from the very same items you buy in the market and receive from the free gift page. If you want to make your farm unique and interesting, decorations are your best friend.
Most of the more extreme designs you see on the loading page are an optical illusion. There are four primary tools you can use to create these illusions: hay bales, trees, fences and the plow tool. If you have the smallest farm size available, you will need to upgrade to the biggest piece of land your coins and farm cash can afford. You will also need time and patience to place the large number of decorations required to create the look you desire.
Hay bales and fences, a cheap choice, come in a variety of colors and can be used many ways. For example, did you know you could use gray, black and white hay bales to create a road? Deep blue bales create the appearance of water such as a lake or waterfall. In order to create a special look with hay bales and fences you must place them at the correct angle and spacing from one another. For a stacked look, you need them to be just far enough apart that instead of looking like there is a gap between them it actually looks like the bottom is touching the top or middle of the other.
If you desire a farm with rolling hills, get out your plow. You should stagger your plots of plowed earth in two piece sections to make machine use easy and to create a wavy look to your land. You also need to stagger your trees along the same line to further illustrate the illusion. Trees are especially great for hiding the fuzzy edges of your optical illusion. You can even place them around your faux hay bale lake.
If you are not interested in rolling hills, waterfalls, or stacked fences, there are also many other great ways to make your farm distinctive. Check out the free gift page and the market to see what items catch your eye and consider what you can use them for. A bunch of gifted small hills make a lovely grassy area with flowers. You can also use stone mailboxes to make a stone fence. Green hedges are great for farm mazes. If the item you wish to use is only available on the free gift page, send it to your friends and ask them to send it back to you. Also, be sure to add it to your wish list in your gift box.
Crops are another great way to make your farm unique. There is, however, quite a bit of planning involved in this. You must devise a design and decide what crops will give you your colors. You will also need to determine how to make the timing of the various colored crops line up to create your design without having part of it wither while another part grows. Although crop designs can take more time, the visual effect is worth the effort.
The most important key to creating a unique farm is to experiment. Don’t be afraid to try new things. After all, that is what the delete tool is for. For additional or cutting edge farm decoration ideas, the Farmville forums are full of people sharing their designs and how-tos.
Farmville Spring Cleaning
It’s spring time, which means spring cleaning. As you sanitize every square inch of your home, don’t forget to spring clean your farm. You won’t need your cleaning products and rubber gloves for this, just your mouse.
Organizing your farm regularly is important. Doing so can allow you to optimize precious space. When you rid yourself of farm clutter you can allow for more crops, trees and animals. This means more coins and more experience points. Another benefit of organizing your space is to make it easy for your Farmville farmer to move around quickly. Items in the way slow your farmer down and require you to wait on him to plow, seed or harvest.
So what should you do with your stuff? There are three options. You can store it, sell it or buy a bigger farm. Storage is available in Farmville buildings such as barns, greenhouses and sheds. Storage, however, is limited to just a few items of any size per building. To get more storage you can either purchase more buildings or expand the ones you already have. Expansions can be acquired through farm cash or a barn raising via your news feed. By hosting a barn raising you will post asking for friends to help you. You need the help of ten neighbors in three days to complete your bam expansion. Since you only have a limited amount of time, you may want to send your friends a message to ask for help. Each friend can help once a day.
If you are simply over the clutter and don’t want to store it, you can sell it. Doing so will remove it from your farm forever, so click carefully. If selling is the way to go for you, you may have a little trouble determining what to sell. Focus on things that don’t make your farm any money or experience points. If you have ten benches, consider selling eight or nine. And if you still have your Christmas tree up, chuck it fast and get in the mood for spring and summer items. If however, you are not sure about ditching some of the unique decorative items such as sunflowers or gazing balls, consider keeping just one and selling the rest.
Another great option is a farm expansion. You can purchase an expansion with coins if you have enough neighbors. If you do not have enough neighbors or coins, you can use farm cash. Expanding your farm can give you more room and minimize your need to purge.