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When it comes to promoting simple Zip and Email offers using Facebook fanpages you have to be careful.
There have often been reports of people having their Fanpages shut down due to “spam” complaints. So in order to solve this problem the first thing I would suggest you do is firstly hire someone to create you a welcome/landing page for your emails submit offers.
For example, when the Iphone 4 was released there were a lot of Fanpages set up on Facebook promoting the CPA offer. However, Facebook shut down most of these pages because people felt they were being told to sign up to something misleading.
Therefore, in order to solve this problem I usually set up an Autoresponder within my welcome page. This will then allow me to capture the person’s name and email address.
So for example, if anyone lands on my Ipad Facebook Fanpage I am going to make sure that my welcome page has a name and email address option so I can capture the person’s information.
Once I have their information then I can simply send them an email promoting the FREE Ipad offer and that way Facebook cannot shut down my account.
You might want to set up a series of Autoresponder messages on your Aweber account that go out automatically. So each time someone registers on the Fanpage and enters their name and email address you will automatically have created a huge list.
The idea is to create a “presell buzz” on your Facebook Fanpage.
After you presell the offer you can capture their name and email address.
Your “Welcome Page” for your submit/zip offer will be your presell offer.
Once you have captured hundreds of emails you can then send out an email that says something like this.
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