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After all of the gifts have been opened on Christmas morning, what do you do? Of course there's the obligatory binge eating that everyone takes part in, but then what? Most likely, the family then disperses throughout the home, and goes off to do their own thing. Well put down those toys kids, and someone wake up day from his turkey-induced coma, because you're not finished!
The first thing you will need to do is have each person buy a small gift- in my family, this generally means something from a dollar store- and wrap it before hand. On the name tag section, simply write BINGO.
You will then place all of these gifts on the table,pass out the bingo cards, and get to playing.
Whoever wins each round of bingo will get to choose a gift. If you're the first winner, you pick any one you want. All of the winners after that can either pick from the pile of unopened gifts in the center, or they can “steal” a gift that has already been unwrapped. If your gift gets “stolen” you may pick another, but it has to be from the pile of unopened gifts.
In my family this continues for hours on end (I have a really large family) until all of the gifts have made their way to their owners. Although we do this every year, and have for as long as I can remember, it continues to be fun year after year.
Of course, if you don't really care for bingo, you can play any game you want. I do however, recommend that it be a short game because if not, you're likely to find yourself growing tired of playing and will probably just give the gifts away, and where's the fun in that?
In my opinion, anything that gets the whole family together and keeps them occupied and having fun is a priceless tradition. I hope your family enjoys this one as much as mine has and continues to every year. Have fun!