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The Irish thought that a witch was produced when a young girl spent 7 years in the Otherworld with her fairy lover, returning fairly aged, however with knowledge of herbs, philtres and mysterious spells. The famed witch Biddy Early took a firm stand that her powers came from the fairies. She utilized a blue bottle, presented to her by the fairies, for healing and prophecy. At her demise when it was thrown into a lake so that no one else could try to use it.
This affiliation of fairies and witches appears to have a nearly universal resonance in additional parts of the globe. For instance, in parts of Eastern Europe, witches were known as vilenice, which implies somebody who deals with fairies. On an investigation during the late 17th century, a young vilenica affirmed that her powers had been given to her by a fairy who had demonstrated the attributes of herbs, and who could be called on by virtue of particular herbs picked together with their roots.
As in additional places, there were tales of youngsters and grownups vanishing into the mountains for weeks or years, and returning with magical ability granted to them by the sprites. In Croatia, the people stated that on each Good Friday a vile flies down to teach women how to heal individuals and be of benefit to them.
Scottish witch trials particularly were frequently notable for their reports of the Fairy Queen, or Queen of Elfhame. Isobel Gowdie stated that she saw the Fairy Queen when she travelled into the hollow hills, and learned all her magic from the fairies while there. She talked of the wildfolk that waited on her coven.
We have already ascertained that witches derive their powers from fairy spirits, and this might follow a shamanic initiation, whereby an illness or other dire situation opens up the Otherworld of spirits to the witch. In 1588, Alison Pearson was introduced to the world of fairies, as she lay ill in bed, by her dead cousin William Sympson who came to her in fairy form.
He appeared as a ‘green man’ and told her he would assist her if she would be faithful to him. Then he disappeared and re-emerged with a group of faeries, who persuaded Pearson to participate in their merrymaking. Sympson likewise told her how to utilize herbal remedies. If Pearson spoke about the fairies to other people, she was tortured with blows that left sensitive spots on her skin. She was condemned of witchcraft and burned at the stake.