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Why Do We Fear Ourselves?
One fear that many people have is a fear of who they are and of what they know. Self improvement is an endless quest for many people who are striving to be the person they think, or have been told, they should become.
The sad fact is that everyone has a multitude of gifts that they don't recognize as such. The issue is for you to recognize them and feel confident about them. When you stop and take a good look inside yourself, you may find that there isn't that much that needs fixing.
Try to uncover what your gifts are that you already possess. You may feel happy about where you live, you have a loving family or you may be a wonderful listener. Other gifts include being true to yourself and others. When asked for an opinion you simply reply with your honest thoughts.
Not all of these things are taken in the right manner by everyone. All of a sudden you are being told that you shouldn't do or say this. You are told that you should think before you speak and worse.
When you hear these things repeatedly you start to believe in them. You begin to look for ways to improve yourself!
Instead of succumbing to pressure to change, take the time to discover your inner gifts. Then learn ways to display these traits with confidence. Yes, this can be easier said than done, but by doing so you are conquering a fear and improving your self confidence and your self esteem.
Let's take a quick look at some gifts that you may fear.
Surprisingly, some people are fearful of their gift to love. Love and passion run deeply in all of our lives, sometimes he intensity of these feelings can be overwhelming or downright intimidating.
How many times have you found yourself reacting fiercely when someone you love is put in danger or threatened? This power can be scary because you may feel as though you are the one frightening others.
Many parents often tell their children to not wear their emotions on their sleeves, or are told to tone things down. Children and teens often feel as though their passion gets them into trouble. So they start to suppress these feelings instead and that is not always a healthy choice either. It is one way for a child's self esteem to become drained.
Vulnerability is another gift or trait that goes directly to your core. Who doesn't have sympathy and feelings for others when things go wrong? Who doesn't cry at the sad parts in a movie? Everyone is sensitive what differs is how much of this sensitivity you allow to show.
Children are instructed to toughen up and not be such a "cry baby." So they stifle their emotions and even fear showing their feelings. Some people naturally feel emotions more deeply than others and this can lead to children and teens becoming the target of bullies. They are viewed as sissy's and are made to feel alone and different to everyone else.
Another question many people want answered is who they are and what makes them different to everyone else? This boils down to your originality. Like snowflakes, everyone is different, unique. Honestly the world would be a boring place if everyone was identical.
For many people these concerns over who they are can be deeply seeded. They often wonder if they will fit in or if they will ever find someone to love them. Instead of allowing their originality to shine through, they often go the opposite route to hide themselves behind a mask.
If you feel that any of the above applies to you, you need to remember that these qualities are your gifts. It is what makes you unique so you don't want to allow anyone to rob you of these things.
In order to appreciate your own originality you need to uncover your fear and start to love yourself. You can do this by incorporating the following exercises into your life on a regular basis.