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The main aim for a business on Facebook is connecting. It doesn’t matter if it is new customers or current customers, the connection Facebook offers is the key. Before you even start creating a business fan page, you should learn how to connect with your personal profile. This way when you have your fan page, you have Facebook friends you can share it with, and hopefully they will share it with their friends etc...
The easiest way to start connecting is to find your current friends and colleagues. You saw the numbers from earlier in the report, with 500 million users there is a good chance you already have a couple of (if not way more) acquaintances on Facebook.
Another way to connect is by using the “Find Friends” steps from earlier. Make sure you check the contacts on all of your email and instant messaging accounts. You don’t have to choose to add everyone they suggest, just the people you feel more comfortable with.
Also make sure you use the tools that let you search by name and school. You might see people you didn’t even think to add.
In my experience the best way to find people to connect with is to look at your current friend’s friends. You will surely see mutual friends you can add.