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Chapter 7: Use Exclusive Landing Pages
Anything exclusive has its positive and negative connective results, therefore it is important to understand the fundamentals that affect such results and then decide if a particular style is suited for a particular endeavor. The use of exclusive landing pages is no exception.
Your Pages
Most landing pages on the Facebook tool helps to create interest in the viewers or fans in order to convert them into being firm fans and this not only raise the fan base listings but also create enough revenue through these interests.
Instead of directly exposing the wall to the viewer one can make a more appealing reach by providing a well designed landing page which is attention grabbing which in turn will be able to hold the attention of the visitor.
There has been verified statistics to prove that landing pages have generated more fans in terms of speed and growth when compared to other tools on the internet marketing arena.
Having landing pages that are exclusive in nature is also beneficial when the idea behind the posting is to not have it “littered” all over the internet thus causing over exposure.
This style of landing pages also creates a sense of exclusivity for the invited guest which in turn most of the time ensures the positive participation of the intended target audience.
Also because the message style is almost always of a singular nature there is little need to have confusing and overly enthusiastic postings.
Using the positive elements of the exclusive landing page will also help to fine tune the different channels of the possible multiple traffic sources.
The different sources of traffic from the exclusive landing page posting may include emails, Ad words, affiliate links, banner placement and others. Using an exclusive landing page is also easier as it does not hamper or cause designing conflicts.
Chapter 8: Reward Loyal Supporters
An important part of keeping the loyal element alive and growing lies in the incentives given out as rewards to this perpetual commitment. Using loyalty to gain and keep the business endeavor successful is important; therefore designing attractive rewards for these loyal supporters is well worth the innovative thought process and effort.
Keep Them Coming Back
The following are some of the more common and rather attractive rewards that most sites use for the reward programs for loyal customers:
The offer of exclusive discounts, coupons and content material is considered among the most desirable and effective. Tying discounts to other engaging activities will also help to generate interest, revenue and even “free” advertising.
Using low cost applications to create custom fan only accessible material will also create the necessary incentives that works as effective rewards too. This style of rewards is especially enticing because it gives the recipient a sense of exclusivity that is probably unmatched.
Giving back is another concept that is much appreciated by loyal fan based visitors. The idea that their contributions are being acknowledged in the form of specially designed rewards is indeed special and thoughtful.
Designing the rewards to reflect the fact that their contributions are not only important but are also seriously considered for the opinions and feedbacks posted will ensure further long term support. Building the special rapport is a very big and important part of heightening the loyalty percentages.
Sometimes taking it a notch higher in the exclusivity platform also brings about a pleasant surprise for the fan that is being honored in an exclusive way. This would mean actually featuring the loyal fan by perhaps posting an interview with the said fan where the entire content of the post is about the fan’s loyal contribution. This sort of exclusive recognition is beneficial to both parties and to the viewing audience at large.
Chapter 9: Learn About Facebook Marketplace And Plugins
Among the many tools for internet marketing one will find the Facebook marketplace and plugins. These tools have their own individual merits that are worth understanding and exploring for the purpose of optimizing on the exposure they can effective provide.
The Plugins And More
Marketplace is basically a platform for buying, selling and generally the exchange of a variety of entities within the safety of known participants.
This platform of trusted and recognizable participants allows for the controlled environment to be less likely to have negative connotations affixed to the transactions.
The easily line of messaging friends and sellers and buyers about possible transactions is both a welcomed and desired element. These transactions can also be done on behalf of trusted parties with the same positive results.
Another interesting feature offered by this marketplace tool is the facilitation of being able to support charities with a percentage of the transaction revenue earned. This support for charities can usually generate more revenue as others become interested in being part of the process for creating the revenue.
Facebook social plug-in is another tool for quick and easy avenues to extend the reach and connection between the website visitor and the host for comfortable and beneficial interaction.
This sharing of information content will be instrumental in driving the desired percentage of traffic to the website being featured thus gaining more ways to keep track of the ongoing activities and exchanges.