Ebook Sample Content Preview:
The first thing you need to do is clarify what your business is all about, what your brand is, and what your purpose is in the marketing world. The following questions will help you to clarify and understand what the marketing vision of your business is all about.
What kind of people are you trying to reach? I’m really sure you already know the type of people that your services are directed to. You see them constantly, they contact you as well if necessary, and that will tell you what kind of person are they and how you can treat them. What do they look like? Are they fat or skinny? Male or female? Old, young or middle-aged?
What are they looking for? What is the final goal they are after based on the service you provide? What feeling are they trying to reach with it? Do they need it to feel happy? Do they need it to survive? A lot of needs must be taken care of for a person to survival.
What do you actually do for them? Maybe you are already offering a service for that audience. That will give you a great vision of what exactly you need to inform any new people that fit into that same audience.
What kind of information would they be interested to know about and pay for? You already know the needs of your customers; you know exactly what kind of information will be highly helpful to them in order to help them to satisfy those needs. Why don’t you just create a great info-product about it?
How much money are they actually paying you for it? Knowing how much you usually charge them for your service is a very important indicator, because if you decide to create a product like a report, a video training, software or something directly related to your audience, you may simply be able to figure out the price tag you can easily stamp to it.
How would they like to reach that content? Is it Video, Audio, Written, or Blogging? This is important to know. You may just think about it. Think on their limitations to read, hear, watch or use the computer. If they can do everything you can just ask them what they would like to know about stuff. Do they like to read? Do they like to watch videos? Do they like to hear audios?
Where are they from? Maybe you have an audience that comes from other cities or even countries. That will happen a lot on Facebook. You need to target every one and adapt your information to all of them at the same time.
What are your competitors offering to your audience? In the marketing world it is very important to study the competition that targets your exact audience. What do they generally offer? What things do they offer that you don’t? Do they have more clients? Do they work additional hours? Do they cover a lot more needs than you?
Can you offer a better service/product than your Competitors? Once your know everything about your successful competitors you can just offer the same thing, but with your personal touch plus a lot more great things that they are not offering. You can have special offers, free samples, free call consultation, special discounts, etc.
These questions are very important in deciding how to establish your business over Facebook. You can position almost any kind of business over Facebook because Facebook is more than just a website or a service; it is a large audience of people with real human needs who are waiting for you and your service to satisfy them.