Welcome to the latest and very easy to apply “Facebook Marketing 3.0” Training, designed to take you by the hand and walk you through the process of getting the most out of Facebook on behalf of your business.
I’m very excited to have you here, and I know this will be very helpful for you.
This exclusive training will show you step-by-step, topic by topic, and tool by tool, what you need to know to dominate Facebook Marketing, in the easiest way possible, using the most effective tools and in the shortest time ever.
This training is comprised of 20 chapters organized into 5 sections. This is exactly what you are going to learn:
Section 1: Facebook Marketing Basics
In Chapters 1 through 4, we’ll talk about:
What Facebook is all about Nowadays
What Business Goals can you accomplish with Facebook?
There’s a shocking Facebook business tool for every business goal
Shocking Facebook Marketing Facts to Consider
Section 2: Marketing on Facebook – Step by Step
In Chapters 5 through 11, we’ll talk about:
Creating a Facebook Account
Facebook Pages
Facebook Ads
Messenger for Business
Marketing With Instagram
Audience Network
Section 3: Advanced Facebook Marketing Strategies
In Chapters 12 through 16, we’ll talk about:
Affiliate Marketing with Facebook
How to dramatically increase your ROI Remarketing on Facebook
How to use Facebook Groups as a powerful marketing tool
Using the Facebook Search Bar for Market Research
Facebook for Developers
Section 4: Additional Tips to consider
In Chapters 17 through 20, we’ll talk about:
Dos and Don’ts
Premium tools and Services to consider
Shocking Case Studies
Frequently Asked Questions
Well, it’s time for you to start getting the most out of Facebook Marketing. I know you'll love this training.
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Section 1
Facebook Facebook Marketing Basics Marketing BasicsMarketing Basics Marketing Basics Marketing Basics
Chapter 1: What Facebook is all about Nowadays Everybody knows what Facebook is, even people that do not use it know what it is. This is because Facebook has transformed from a niche social site for college students to the largest and most widely used social media platform in the world. Yet in spite of its social media tag, Facebook has become a platform that appeals both to regular people and to businesses, because it has something in store for everybody. Let's find out what it is that makes it so valuable in the online world.
Facebook for Social Facebook is primarily a social media network designed specifically for social interaction. What differentiates Facebook from other social networks, and what has made it so special is the plethora of easy to use features that allows people from all around the world to find and interact with like-minded people even when they are separated by regional and cultural barriers. Facebook allows people to create online profiles complete with personal photos and pictures to showcase socially centered occurrences, where people can list their interests and preferences, as well as post their contact information, so others can get in touch with them. The site’s popularity, combined with all these features, has made it the perfect platform to locate long-lost friendships and to meet new friends. Facebook is also a great venue for entertainment for people from all walks of life, because they can use the platform to play games, to live chat with Facebook friends and to share video content. Some of the most popular social features offered by the Facebook platform include photo albums that can be shared with friends and with other people, comments on other people’s profiles, and Facebook “groups” which are often used by families and groups of friends as hubs to share content privately. Facebook for Business Facebook is an attractive platform for businesses, too, because it offers companies, organizations and businesses of all types to reach an audience of almost 2 billion people in any given month, which is not only important for revenue, but also for building brand awareness. Facebook can easily help any type of business stand out big time, thanks to the high rates of user engagement with brands that have a presence in the platform. This is because Facebook is a way more interactive platform than a business website would ever dream to be due to its very social nature. Businesses can have their own Facebook profiles by creating a Facebook page. Facebook pages are designed to allow businesses, companies, brands, organizations, artists and other entities, have a window to interact with users in the most popular social network there is. Businesses with Facebook Pages can upload content to the platform the same way that any regular user would, with the added benefit of allowing businesses to promote and market their products and services with laser sharp precision thanks to its meticulously built advertising platform!
Chapter 2: What Business Goals can you accomplish with Facebook?
Every business has business goals to accomplish, and every business goal will vary from one business to another.
While the truth is that the ultimate goal of any business is to make money, there are other important goals to accomplish before a business is able to become fully profitable.
The main goal of a roofing business can be to build a presence and reach as many local clients as possible within its service area, and the main goal of a new fast food joint could be to get discovered by people from foreign areas, so they can visit their restaurants on holidays, to give you a few examples.