ATTENTION: WordPress website owners who want to build a community and increase engagement...
"Discover How to Quickly & Easily Find and Share the Hottest Facebook Content in Your Niche!"
Dear Fellow Marketer,
I don't have to tell you how important social media is to your marketing efforts.
Millions of active users on Facebook should make that pretty clear to even the newest of entrepreneurs.
I also don't have to tell you how profitable a "community" of social followers can be. Similar to your email list, your social followers are a valuable asset you can tap for:
Product launches
JV partnerships
Affiliate promotions
Social sharing
...and much more.
The only trouble is...
Building a Large Social Following Takes Work
If you've ever built a Facebook page or started a group, and watched the "likes" and joins climb ever-so-slowly, then you know how frustrating it can be.
You do your best to keep people engaged (because if you don't, Facebook won't even show your content to those who like your page!) but it feels like a constant struggle to find relevant content to share.
In fact, some experts claim you should be posting 10 or 12 or even 15 times per day in your groups and on your pages, just to gain traction!
Yikes! Who has that kind of time? You have a business to run after all, and if you spend all your time hunting down content to share, you won't have any time for the tasks that are actually making you money.
Not only that, but unless you're actively participating on dozens, or even hundreds, of other groups and pages, you'll never even see the best content, and you probably already know that...
Searching Facebook is a Huge Time Suck!
Just logging into Facebook can be a waste of time, if you're like most people. It's far too easy to get sucked into conversations, click over to read an interesting article, or get sidetracked with funny cat videos (admit it, you've done it).
Here's the real problem though: a search on Facebook reveals pages and groups devoted to your topic, but not individual posts. Not only that, but there's no option to search by most popular posts.
What you're left with is a poorly ordered list of somewhat related posts, without any indication of the quality of the content itself.
I think you'd agree that this kind of search is not going to reveal the type of quality content you need if you hope to build your social following and be seen as the industry leader in your niche.
But now, there is a better way...