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Chapter 7: Making The Most Of Promoted Posts
The promoted post option of advertising , also known as “boosting your post” , its done from your time line posts as a way of increasing the reach of your post.
Most Facebook Page owners will have noticed that there has been a dramatic reduction in their organic (non paid) reach and Facebook have admitted that this is very deliberate and that the best way to reach more of your fans is by advertising and posting the post you wish to reach more people.
There used to be a time that you would post a status update to your timeline and it would reach the majority of your fans, however Facebook has changed and now some page are reporting that their updates are reaching as few as 1 -3 % of their fans with the average reach sitting at around the 10% mark.
Therefore the best way for your status updates to reach more fans is by hitting the boost button and paying for your update to reach more users.
Your post can be boosted directly underneath the post itself or you can use Ad manager to boos the post their.
Its just as important to get the targeting correct with this type of ad as it is any of the others, and always double check the location as it is automatically set to Brazil, US and Mexico and obviously this isn't suitable for all businesses.
There are many reasons to choose to boost your post, it can be used to increase the number of likes a post has or to encourage users to comment or share your post.
The more interaction your fans have with your page the more relevant Facebook deem it to be and therefore the more people they will show it to.
Boosting your post lets you reach more people and therefore increase your brand awareness further, however if you are going to boost a post make sure its a status update worth boosting and once that helps get your business message and branding across, don't just boost any old post make sure you are selective about which ones you choose to boost.
Chapter 8: Running A Website Click Through Ad
This is a really popular Ad for marketers to run, its all about using Facebook to drive traffic towards your main website i.e. your money site.
It's perfect for driving traffic to your website or landing page allowing you to drive people to special offer or a blog post etc. that you really want them to see, by adding a conversion tracking pixel you will be able to track just how well your Ad is running.
You can set up a website click through ad using either Ad manager or Power editor. You just need to choose the clicks to website option and enter the URL that you want to advertise, then you set your ad the same way as before.
Remember to keep your Ad objective in mind when you are setting your targeting as it will be vital to your Ad's conversion rate, you don't want to end up with hardly any clicks and when people do click through you want the targeting to have been so good you know they will be interested in what your website page has to offer or say.
Therefore make sure you are sending your Facebook through to a website filled with quality content because there is no point in running a perfect Ad campaign for your website to let it down at the final hurdle!
Chapter 9: Using An Ad To Sell Products Or Services
This is one of the most popular Ad's to run on Facebook, and its the one most marketers would love to get right.
Its used to sell directly to potential customers, it doesn't need to be a paid product you are selling it could be a free give away that you are using to help you build your list.
There are different variations of this type of Ad that you can and as is the case with most forms of advertising it is vital that you track the results to make sure they are working for you or to make any changes that may be necessary,
This is the type of Ad all marketers would love to get right yet it is in actual fact harder to achieve than some of the other forms of Facebook Advertising.
This isn't an Ad you would run continuously or you will risk leaving your fans feeling like they are always being sold to, so make sure you use it strategically perhaps when you have a product or service that you would like to promote.
You are selling to people who already are fans of your business and page, so you have that pre existing relationship there to help you with your campaign. They know you, they like what you have to say, they may have already bought from you previously.
However despite the pre existing relationship its still vital to get the targeting correct so don't feel like you can over look it just because you have perhaps already targeted them in order to get a like, you still need to be thorough when it comes to targeting this ad as well.
Once again the audience here is you email list, so this type of Ad will only work if you have a significant email list to sell to.
Its ideal for product launches as they are already on your list and have probably already been sent an email in relation to your products or services so by targeting them on Facebook you are just giving them another nudge in the right direction.
Obviously this is a highly targeted marketing strategy aimed at Facebook users you already have a connection with so this type of Ad should bring you excellent conversion rates.
With this type of selling Ad, you are targeting people who aren't yet fans of your page but who have an interest in your industry, products or services.