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Create an external promo page and link it to your Facebook Fan Page
If you browse the web and you see a promo page offering you a chance to win free running shoes, pizzas and web-enabled mobile phones (or a trip to the Caribbean maybe), what would be your first reaction? My guess is the same as yours! Chances are, you will be interested on how to get the prize and will go to any length (even taking a bit of your time to register) just to earn a chance to be included in the promo. This is human nature and no one argues that. But if you are an internet marketer looking to add up more Facebook Fans, you should use this knowledge as leverage and try to utilize external promo pages to promote your own Facebook Fan Page.
Just to make you realize the efficiency of this method, you can get a lot more Facebook likes by paying for a basketball shoes to be used as a promo prize than paying for other methods that might cost you a lot more money in the long run.
So how do you do this method? The approach is very basic that you wouldn’t even consider it very difficult to accomplish on your own. The first step would be to think of a promo that would appeal to your target market and use it as a starting point for your campaign.
For example, if you are in the business of selling basketball shoes and you want your Facebook Fan Page to get more potential customers, try running a promotional campaign where you are putting up a signature basketball shoe as a free prize. Choose the basketball shoe that is most popular at the moment and run the campaign for at least a month. You can just take a picture of the shoe that you are giving out as a prize and use it as a place to put information on how people can join your promo.
Once you are done creating the ads and banners for your online campaign, post it in your own website or use free press release websites to get your message across people. Allot at least 1 month of time to syndicate your campaign through the web before even starting the promo. (For example, if you are running your promo on September, start promoting your campaign on August which is a month earlier than the actual campaign date. This is to make sure that your promo has already reached a lot of potential readers)
Once your promo starts, make sure that people are required to “like” your Facebook Fanpage before they can be included in your promo. Do not ask for other registration information because this might put off potential Fans. After all, you are only looking to promote your Facebook Page. Specifically state that only those people who like your page can be included in the raffle. This will persuade people to like your page even more. You might be surprised at how this can work, but running promo campaigns is an excellent strategy in getting a lot of Facebook Fans. Because your promo is running for at least a month, people will be constantly viewing your page inside that period. You will have more Facebook fans in the process and more chances to win potential paying customers even after your campaign is over.