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Facebook likes are at the heart of your Facebook page. You want to build your fans, but you also want those fans to be relevant! So let’s look at the best methods to increase Facebook likes.
Method #1 Increase Facebook Likes Using Contests One of the easiest methods to interest people and draw them to your page is using contests. People like free items and so you can see why offering something free would increase new fans to your page especially when the condition to entering the contest is that you must like the page first. The lure of winning a prize helps you to target your market and grow your likes.
Method #2 Grow Your Facebook Fans and Likes With Like Gated Coupons Coupons are another great way to promote your Facebook page. The coupon doesn’t have to be big. It can be as small as 10% off a purchase. It is a great way to provide your audience an incentive to purchase the product(s) you offer and you can still keep your profit margins looking pretty healthy.
Method #3 Increase Facebook Likes Using Ebooks Depending on your industry, education can be a better incentive than even offering a prize or a discount. This is especially true with B2B companies who like to receive free e-books or white papers that provide them with information and tools to help them grow their business. This is a great way to drive large numbers of visitors to your page and increase your fans significantly. You are dealing with a targeted audience, which is exactly what you want.
If you aren’t sure what your ebooks should be about consider what your business is about and what you can share with your potential customers that will be useful and hook them on what you have to offer. Your ebook should also include a strong call to action that has the reader wanting to know more and wanting to take advantage of the service(s) you offer.
If you want to maximize your reach in promoting your offers, consider taking advantage of Facebook ads, which are very affordable and allow you to easily target your market to maximize your benefits. These ads are different than Google Ads so don’t confuse them. You can learn more about Facebook Ads under the help section on Facebook.
Method #4 Provide Useful and Engaging Content In addition to offering free things or coupons make sure that the content that is on your page is useful, interesting and engaging. That way your visitors are more likely to comment and strike up a conversation. In turn, those conversations get shared and that spreads your reach.
How to Grow Your Facebook Fans on Your Page
Facebook has changed the way we grow our businesses. Your Facebook Business Page is a great way to bring together a targeted audience. Your goal is to grow your fans or ‘Likes,’ but remember you don’t just want anyone clicking the Like; you want to bring to your page those that have a genuine interest in your products/services. While no Likes will be turned away, untargeted ones are not going to grow your business. Here are some strategies to grow your Facebook fans on your Page
Using your Facebook Page as a place for your fans to gather is great, but you will want to make sure that your posts are interesting and engaging. Good posts will get your followers commenting and engaging each other, along with sharing these posts to non-followers, who in turn might find it interesting and ‘Like’ your Page.
Invite a couple of others on board as Admin of your Page. They can then suggest it to their friends and your reach can grow. In addition, having more than one administrator can offer different perspectives, which can help to keep the page interesting. It can also make responding to posts and comments more efficient. As your page grows, the more admins you should consider having.
Encourage your visitors to post pictures on your wall, which will help your Facebook page to show up in the News Feed. Facebook users love pictures, so take advantage of them and encourage your followers to openly share their photos.
Inspirational images are well received. In fact, they are one of the most popular shares on Facebook so make sure to include them on your Facebook Page.
If you have a Brick & Mortar business, you can use your print media to encourage ‘Likes’ for special deals and discounts. You can also take advantage of Facebook Offers.
If you have a large email list, you can suggest to those on your list to ‘Like’ your Facebook Page. You might also tell your Twitter followers to come over and ‘Like’ your page.
Take advantage of Facebook Ads, which are easy to set up and very affordable. It’s a great way to target your traffic and bring in more ‘Likes.’
These five simple things can help you to grow your Facebook Page. Get ready to enjoy more likes and fans and to build your business.