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Just about anything that will fit into an iframe (700w x 550h as a guideline maximum that looks good on the majority of modern computers.)
At the risk of sounding cliche, this really is limited by your imagination. There are thousands of free javascript apps and games available for download all over the internet plus you can put any other content type on in the html page (or change it to a php page if you wanted to), so you could embed a video, show a weather widget, etc.
This is ideal for building niche apps. For example find a site that offers a widget that gives a specialist news feed, or stock and share figures. Better still find a syndicated feed of stock tips, put that into the site and frame it up into an application and you have a stock tips app.
Want to do flash games? No problem, stick the flash embed code inside an html document and put that in an app. Sure it won’t have score posting, hiscore tables and the other viral features offered by something like Instant FB Games, but it is a low cost way of getting any flash content into a Facebook app.