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Choosing From the 10 Facebook Ad Ob-jectives
Have you ever advertised on Facebook? If so, you had to choose from the many options for marketing on the world's largest social media website. Do you want your ads showing up on news feeds? Should you set a daily or monthly budget? What demographics should you target? There are plenty of choices you need to make if you want to get your marketing message in front of the more than 2 bil-lion people who regularly use Facebook.
Whether you decide to boost a post, advertise with video or keep your marketing efforts restricted to your business page, there are currently 10 different ad objec-tives Facebook offers. Facebook asks you to reverse your traditional marketing mindset by thinking about your intended result first and then working backward towards the type of ad you are going to create. In early 2018, here are the 10 dif-ferent objectives you can try to accomplish by advertising on Facebook (listed al-phabetically).
Application Installs – Choose this option if you are trying to get prospects to download one of your business apps. This option allows you to choose between desktop or mobile applications.
Brand Awareness – This is a good option if your goal is to introduce your business to the world, and boost the number of people who understand what it is your business does.
Conversions – If you want someone to click on a link, purchase a product, or join your email list on your website, converting someone from tire-kicker to action-taker, choose Conversions in the Facebook ad objectives menu.
Engagement – This is the option you should choose if you want to get the FB world to like, share, or comment on a post or page.
Lead generation – If you are trying to turn prospects into eventual customers, you have to fill your sales funnel with leads.
Reach – This option exposes your marketing message to as many targeted pro-spects as possible.
Product catalog sales – This is a relatively new option, which allows you to build and display a catalog of your products and services.
Store visits – If you run a brick-and-mortar business, getting people in your front door is crucial to your success. This is the Facebook advertising option that allows you to do that.
Traffic – For a virtual business, traffic is everything. Choose this ad objective when you want to direct traffic to a specific webpage.
Video views – This objective is self-explanatory. It helps boost the number of views your video receives.
As the initial step for advertising on Facebook, you must choose from one of the 10 options just listed. These options are updated from time to time, and can al-ways be accessed from the Facebook Ads Manager. Once you decide on the busi-ness objective or goal you are trying to achieve, you are then taken through a sim-ple to follow, step-by-step process that allows you to create your ad, set your budget, and start advertising.
How Facebook Blueprint Can Help You Make Money With any FB Advertisement
Facebook has changed its advertising offerings over the years. Like many compa-nies who make the majority of their income from advertising revenue, Facebook is always trying to find that perfect mix of marketing options that suit the individ-uals and businesses which want to advertise on FB, while also making a minimally negative impact on its users.
If its users were blasted with advertisements everywhere, Facebook would make a lot of money in the beginning, but then people would stop visiting that social media giant. On the other hand, if they dramatically limited the number of adver-tisements they allowed, marketers would go elsewhere with their ad dollars. This means Facebook is constantly changing the ways you can advertise on the world's largest virtual meeting place.
This can cause some confusion for marketers who would like to cash in on the 2+ billion people who regularly use Facebook. Because of the constantly changing face of FB ads, it is tough for some marketers to keep up.
Enter Facebook Blueprint
Facebook Blueprint is a digital learning application created to educate would-be marketers on the best practices for advertising on the FB network. Facebook pur-chased Instagram a few years ago, so Facebook Blueprint is also a good way for you to improve your Instagram advertising chops. Instead of just providing a mar-keting guide like other social media networks that have advertising capabilities, Facebook Blueprint offers a course through which you can earn your certification as an "in the know" FB ads expert.