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Make no mistake whether you have purely local business or you are aiming for a larger market be it regional or national or even global, you need to consider Facebook ads. No marketing experts will try to twists you arm and say that you have to absolutely take out Facebook ads. Please understand that as awesome and as effective as Facebook ads can be, they are not for everybody. This is not a piece of advice that applies across the board.
In certain situations, Facebook ads may be counter productive as far as your overall digital marketing campaigns go. Still, there are many ways Facebook ads can take your business regardless of its size to the next level.
Here are just 5 of the biggest benefits. 5 of the most effective ways Facebook can make an impact on your digital marketing campaigns effectiveness. This by no means is an exhaustive lists. In fact, the only limit to the ways Facebook's complete advertising network can benefit your brand, is your imagination. Seriously. Believe it or not, simply posting comments, blogs that use the Facebook comment plug-in, can actually go a long way in boosting your brand.
Of course, you have to do it at the right time, on the right blogs and with the right content. Its not as straightforward or as black and white as a lot of people make it out to be. Just like anything else in life, just because it sounds simple, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is.
The fact is when you start on Facebook, chances are your initial campaigns will not be all that successful. This is called the Facebook advertising learning curve. Whether you are advertising a dropshipping business, a content base business or a purely local or break and mortar brand, you have to pay your dues. Now there lots of self proclaimed Facebook marketing gurus and experts out there. A lot of them talk of good game but the truth is, when the robber meets the road very few, live up to the expectations. That's the bottom line.
They set up all sorts of expectations and unfortunately at the end, it's all a familiar story. They overpromise and they underdeliver. If you really want to wrap your mind around Facebook ads and whether it is a good fit for you, pay close attention to what I'm about to say.
The first benefit Facebook ads brings to the table is you are able to create a solid brand in your local area.
Quick recap: why is a having a brand important? When you build a brand, you don’t have to constantly promote your business. Once your business is recognized as a brand, people will seek you out. Your reputation will precede you-and open many doors of opportunity for you. Why? Well, people don’t like to take risks. With everything else being equal, people would rather do business with a known and trusted entity than roll the dice on some shadowy, less known, possibly inferior source of products or services. Best of all, people would pay extra for this sense of certainty.
You may think that you're already doing a good job of branding your business in your local area. You may think that those bus bench ads that you've taken out are doing wonders for your local brand recall. You may have reached out to local business organizations and social groups to publicize your brand. Maybe you’ve sponsored lots of Little League games and your business is quite well known among networking circles in your neck of the woods.
All these may well be the case but you shouldn't stop there. You should look for total local market branding saturation and this includes the digital space. In the case of branding, there’s no such thing as too much of a good thing. You could always use more branding.
Please understand that its more and more of your local competitors find their way on Facebook and other social media platforms. It's only a matter of time until they'd leave you in the dust. I don't mean to scare you but local advertising in the united states and elsewhere moves at the speed of light. This is one area you cannot afford to overlook or neglect. Simply assuming that its not going to have much of an impact in your local business is simply burying your head in the sand. It's not an effective strategy. So if you want to leverage whatever brand you've managed to build in your local area, one of the best ways to do this is to run Facebook marketing campaign.
Surveying your customers and getting crucial products and service development information from them is an effective way of figuring out what your market needs. The more accurate your take is on the pulse of your clients, the more likely you will roll out a successful products or service.
The problem is the traditional the ways of getting this type of consumer intelligence can be very expensive. I am talking about phone surveys, paper surveys and focus groups. Traditional consumer intelligence can also take quite a bit oftime. Take note that just because you ran a focus group or put out a survey that these might not hit the mark the first time around.Oftentimes, companies would have to run several rounds of surveys to find the information that they are looking for. Also, some surveys need to be run several times to make sure they are reaching the right random sample of people. Otherwise, whatever recommendations the surveys might point to might not actually do much good for the businesses commissioning these surveys.
Make no mistake, traditional offline or phone-based consumer intelligence gathering is pricey, eats up a lot of time, and needs a lot of costly fine tuning to produce solid value for businesses. Worst of all, you have to rely on consumer intelligence firms to gather and process the data. They are also in charge of designing the information gathering campaign’s internal processes and details.