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This is the practice of only running your campaign at specific times of the day. if you can identify what times of the day you get the most traffic and the times you get the least traffic, you can stop your campaign during the slow time, thus increasing your CTR. The best way to this is via a third party tracking software. You can start with Google Analytics. As you become more advanced with internet marketing, you are going to need specific tracking software. Check around the Warrior forum to see what others are suggesting.
If you want to take day parting to the next level, you can correlate the times of the day when you get the most sales (conversion) to when you run your campaign. For example; it's no secret that dating offers work best in the evenings and into the early morning (2am ish). So there is not point running your dating ads at 8am when you are much less likely to get clicks. All you will do is decrease your CTR and ROI.
Build Narrow Ad Groups
As you get more data about who likes what you are offering, try grouping you ads by demographics. You could put men into one group. You can separate by age, likes, etc... This give you more specific targeting. You can also play with your ads in these groups and try to target them as close as possible.
Your Landing Page
This report is all about Facebook Ads, and as such, I am not going to address landing page design and copy. I will say that it is very important (obviously) and you should be testing variations of your landing page. If you are direct linking to an affiliate offer you could try building your own landing page that captures emails and give a freebie away, then goes to the offer.
I have had the best results on Facebook when I engage and build a relationship with the people who click on my ads. If you build a list from your marketing efforts you can sell to the list over and over. Take this into strong consideration.