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Chapter 6 - Building Your List Using Pinterest
Since its launch in March 2010 Pinterest has fast become one of the main social media platforms All these facts make it the perfect place to help build your list.
For a long time marketers over looked Pinterest, it wasn't really deemed as that important to different businesses when it came to marketing.
However you can no longer afford to leave it from your list building and marketing plans.
Pinterest was the fasted growing social networks It reached 10 million visitors faster than any other network.
Not only that but shoppers refereed to a site from Pinterest are 10 times more likely to buy than those visitors referred from another site.
The truth is that the conversion stats for Pinterest are just getting better and better. Call to action pins increase Pinterest engagement by 80% with Tutorials, Guides and DIY posts seeing a 42% CTR.
The majority of Pinterest Users are female, however the % of men using Pinterest is rising.
Pinterest is essentially a digital Ad board which is full of users who go on just to browse.
So even if they aren't looking specifically for you there is a chance they will find you while looking about.
So with a focussed effort to build a presence on Pinterest the referral rates can be great.
To build your list using Pinterest create a great Image that highlights your opt in offer. Make Sure the images on your board links direct to your opt in and then add the link to your Opt in in the description.
Also add the link to the source box and of curse don't be afraid to put a link to the offer in the image itself.
Remember to ad your copy about the offer to the description field, as well as call to action and of course the link to the opt in page.
Chapter 7 - Google + And Your List
Google + is Google way of joining the Social Media revolution, when it was first created, Google were hoping it would be a real rival to Facebook and while that hasn't happened it can still be a wonderful resource for your business.
While it didn't take off the way Google hoped it would Google + is growing in popularity as a social network even if its not as fast as the powers that be within Google would like.
With Google + you sort your followers into circles then post updates to those followers. So while it has some similarities to Facebook it has a very different feel to it.
Again marketing and list building on Google + is heavily dependant on relationship building just like it is on the other social media platforms.
Focus first on building strong relationships in other words Make sure you first pay attention to the indirect method of list building, using a similar strategy to the one you would use with Facebook or Twitter.
Then once you have started to get followers and established a good relationship you send out posts and updates directing people towards your opt in offer.
Its important to bare in mind that Google + can bring good results but can be a bit hit or miss and tends not to be the first choice for marketers when it comes to list building.
Chapter 8 - YouTube And Your List
YouTube is another wonderful Social Media Platform for building your Email List.
YouTube is the actually the second largest search engine in the world with millions of people across the world using it each and every day. Which makes is a vital resource for building your list using social media.
Video Content is very popular in marketing the main reason for this is that people love to turn to YouTube for information, we all do it, I'm sure you can think of several things you have turned to YouTube for help with. Which is why it is an ideal resource for directing people to your opt in offer.
Create a short video either telling people about your opt in or if your opt in is a video series or course you could give them a short example and then at the end your direct them to your opt in page
Make sure your video is of high quality, well put together and positively reflects you and your business.
Create videos that last about 2 -3 minutes long and end each video with a call to action directing them to your offer and opt in page
You could also send people to your website if you want to direct them to your blog etc.. .Add a call to action and a hot link in the video description and don't forget to put the call to action and hot link right at the start of the description.
When it comes to promoting your list using YouTube you will want to tell them what to do and where to go, directing them to your opt - in straight away.
Make sure describe in more detail what's its about and what's in it for them in the rest of the description space, then give them the link to your opt in again after your description, giving them two easy points to use to click through to your opt in
So direct them to your opt in at the end of the video, at the start of the description and at the end of the description.
Remember to always keep the quality of the content high.
Chapter 9 - Content Is King
Let's face it we all get high volume of emails to our in boxes ever day so the quality of your email and offer has to be high
You won't get a second chance if you promote low quality so therefore you have to create an offer they are happy to get and that will make them want more.
Therefore you have to make it something that is of value to the end user and is something that offer them something that solves a problem they have.
You want to provide them with content so good that it enriches them, educates them and encourages them.
People will only sign up for content that fills a need or desire, It has to really be something that they feel is too good to ignore and you will want to create content so good that it is something they would be happy to share.