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CHAPTER FOUR - Reward Achievement
You are setting small targets and not letting the unexpected blur your focus or get you down. You are embracing the full force of willpower as you exercise consistent discipline for the sake of having the life you’ve always wanted. Along the way, you’ve been surprised at just how capable you are. The old voices about you being "stupid" and "lazy" are a fading memory. You are growing every single day in self-confidence and self-esteem, because you don’t believe the negative thoughts that you used to have about yourself. You are starting to believe that you will actually make it, that you will reach the Big Prize: the life that you have visualized for yourself for quite some time.
That brings us to the section of Mind Hacking that will sound perhaps a little more enjoyable on the surface than the other topics: rewarding your achievement. There is absolutely no guarantee that anyone around you will reward you for reaching your small targets week after week. You might have a significant other who tells you that s/he is proud of you, you might have some good friends that tell you that you look great with 25 fewer pounds, you might have a teacher tell you that s/he is impressed by your work ethic and "A" grade, but none of these responses are assured.
As you know from work, there is also no guarantee that your boss is going to notice those two extra deeds you do per week for the good of the company, the time and energy and fun that you’ve sacrificed to stay late two evenings per week. No, s/he does not always notice, and s/he might even end up rewarding someone else at the office with a raise and a promotion, someone who cares a lot less than you do.
So, if in this world we cannot be sure that anyone else will reward us for our impressive progress. That’s all the more reason to reward ourselves. This does not mean going out and blowing a lot of money on a trip to a resort or a new outfit. However, it does mean giving yourself a small treat as it is warranted. This can be a vital part of the positive motivation that you will need to laugh at obstacles and roadblocks as you pursue your dreams.
Many times when our thoughts go toward rewarding ourselves, we think of a dinner out or a special purchase. Those are fine, but before it seems as if this eBook is advocating regular trips to the all-you-can-eat buffet, we should spend a few pages discussing physical fitness as part of getting to where you want to go in life.
Here are two well-established medical facts that play a part in Mind Hacking, because your mind is attached to a body, it’s not some separated head as in a sci-fi movie. Those facts are: a) a healthy diet and regular sleep are essential to operate at your physical prime, which will enable you to be at your mental peak; b) consistent exercise is an energy-producer, which you will need as you strive to reach your goals.
Let’s pick apart these two core physical principles as part of Mind Hacking. You can be as strong as you want to be mentally, but if you are often sick, malnourished, tired and woozy, you will not be as sharp mentally as you need to be. No one can exercise a lot of willpower when sick; no one readily welcomes the unexpected when exhausted. You know very well from personal experience that the physical dimension affects the mental dimension, and vice versa.
That is not to say that you can ?will? yourself out of an illness, but it is to say that when you are run down physically, you will be very weak mentally. Check out the explosion of sales for energy drinks around the world the past few years. More and more people are looking for a mental edge, and they are using energy drinks, and even some drugs, as a shortcut to that edge. This is not necessary. If you take care of that body you have, you will be able to use your mental powers as fully as needed.
Conversely, poor diet and lack of exercise can lead to a constant worn-down feeling, which weakens your immune system and makes you more susceptible to illness. That, of course, means more lost work time. A constant worn-down feeling can also lead to depression, which is way off where you want to go to meet your objectives. Yes, your body is intimately connected to your mind. Even if you apply all of the principles of this eBook, if you don’t take care of your body, you could end up depressed and forlorn, not making life happen in the way you want it to.
How, then, should we eat, sleep and exercise? Well, there are 1,000 different diets out there, all screaming for attention, but the basics of taking care of your body have not changed over the years.
By the way, even if you can ?get away? with a hard-driving, high-partying lifestyle for awhile--you know, staying out until 4 and showing up at the office at 8--it eventually will catch up to you. You can do that in your 20s, some people can do it in their 30s, but no one can do it in their 40s and beyond. So, if you’re thinking about long-term goals and the Big Prize, you should practice good health habits early so that you do not have to make radical changes as your metabolism slows down and your joints get creaky.
On to the proper diet that you need to stay healthy and sharp mentally. As part of Mind Hacking, let’s begin by not viewing diet in a legalistic, painful, annoying way. Let’s view it as putting the right fuel into a high-performance vehicle—you. You wouldn’t think about putting ethanol into a Maserati, would you? In the same way, you need to tighten up your diet a bit and start to fill your body with good fuel, not crap.
We also are not going to start this section about diet with a bunch of negative talk. If you slip up from time to time, strive to get better and exercise the willpower that you are growing. It’s not the end of the world if you fall off the wagon for one meal. In fact, it might be permissible, depending on how well you do the rest of the week.