"All New Updated Version Makes Using EZ Ebook Templates Better, And 'EZier' Than Ever Before!"
Hello Friend,
Isn't it amazing that such a wonderful piece of free software such as OpenOffice Writer lacks in an extremely important area. . . .
You know, like, um, offering at least ONE ebook template?!?
I'll tell ya, I was in the same boat you probably find yourself in right now. Searching high and low just to find one reliable source for a quality OpenOffice Writer Ebook Template. Even if it cost me something, I didn't care, I just knew I needed one to cut down on my workload.
I mean, c'mon. It's tough enough coming up with new ebook ideas to write about, let alone compiling them too!
Imagine how much easier it would be to simply open up a pre-formatted .ODT file inside OpenOffice Writer, replace some example text with your content, and hit the "Make PDF" button.