"Ready For The Next Edition In New OpenOffice Writer Templates To Help You Create PDF Ebooks With Incredible Style And Ease While Maximizing Plenty Of 'White Space' In Your Ebooks For Easier Reading?"
"Your Search Has Finally Come To An End. Relax. You Just Found What You Were Looking For!"
Hello Visitor,
Isn't it amazing that such a wonderful piece of free software such as OpenOffice Writer lacks in an extremely important area. . . .
You know, like, um, offering at least ONE ebook template?!?
I'll tell ya, I was in the same boat you probably find yourself in right now. Searching high and low just to find one reliable source for a quality OpenOffice Writer Ebook Template. Even if it cost me something, I didn't care, I just knew I needed one to cut down on my workload.
I mean, c'mon. It's tough enough coming up with new ebook ideas to write about, let alone compiling them too!
Imagine how much easier it would be to simply open up a pre-formatted .ODT file inside OpenOffice Writer, replace some example text with your content, and hit the "Make PDF" button.
Even just one Ooo Writer ebook template would be appreciated, wouldn't it?