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To make sure the recipe is going to work you need to get things ready. It's like making sure the oven is switched on, the mixing bowl is on the bench and all the muffin tins are ready for the batter. Without this the recipe is not going to work.
Remember how our body is a set of delicate energy systems. To set up our meridians to get them ready for EFT, we need to make sure we are ready for the process.
We can prevent it working by powering up our energy flow the wrong way. If you've ever gone to find a torch, and discovered the batteries are flat, put new ones in and discovered it's still not working then you may have discovered the problem of powering up electrical circuits wrong.
The torch is probably not working because you've slipped the new batteries in the wrong way, and the polarity of + or – is off. Sometimes our polarity is off too. It doesn't mean that we won't work completely but it does mean that we can't fully work to our best capacity.
It's one reason why sometimes conventional medicine doesn't work even when it is supposed to. Losing weight, struggling with addictions all come from this polarity switch. It's the basis for any self sabotage or ruining of plans and preparation. It wars against our will and makes change difficult if at all.
It's caused by a wide and diverse range of negative self talk that wears the body down and destructs our ability to function at full's capacity. It tends to hinder EFT's effectiveness in about two in every five cases. It doesn't necessarily create feelings along with it so many people are not aware it is even present.