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"If you've been using a web editor to create your sales letters, you're in for one heck of a treat!"
If you are invoved in Written Persuasion Business then Use the Power of EVOLUTION to Write Real Sales Copy and Get Rich. It's Simply The Fastest And Easiest Tool For Writing Sales Letters
Dear Friend and Marketer,
You are moments away from the most incredible sales letter experience of your life!
Let me start by asking you a simple question. If you have a 100 mile journey in front of you, would you rather travel a gravel road, filled with pot holes, no lanes, and no guidelines to tell you how far you've traveled, or would you rather travel a nicely paved, clearly marked highway?
If have a job to do, and you'd rather use the most modern and powerful tools available, then you're about to have a big ol' grin on your face.
Because, I'm going to show you how to take a task that takes many marketers HOURS if not DAYS to do, and do it in a fraction of the time. And more - you'll do a better job, too!
Prepare to be blown away!
To fully appreciate this, let's go back to the Dark Ages - the early 1980s. Back then, there were no personal computers. There were no mouses. There was no bloatware or crummy operating systems.
You had a typewriter.