Ebook Sample Content Preview:
If you have ever read or submitted an article to EzineArticles, you should be familiar with the layout of the site. When you look at an article, underneath will be sections for “most viewed” and “most published”.
The articles in these sections get a TON of views. More importantly, because of the titles “most viewed” and “most published” the average internet surfer puts a lot of weight into the fact that the information is not only credible, but factual.
In my experience, the conversions from readers of these articles is far better than what you can usually expect from someone just stumbling upon your information. Being in these categories is VERY profitable. Trust me, Don and I have tracked the referrer URLS (the originating articles) to determine this to be true.
The only problem is, how do you get there? Well, in the past you would be told “write good content” and you will be rewarded, right? Not so in this situation. Sure, good content is always a good thing, but it won't always, actually it will rarely get you put in the most viewed or most published categories.
In the past, the way you got there was by having your article rank very high on the first page of Google. Honestly though, how many articles do you have ranking very high for keywords that actually get searched for 1000's of times a month?
What I am going to show you is how to get on these lists without ranking for any keywords... so, pay close attention.