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Publishing to Kindle is relatively easy, but once it's "out there" you're going to have to market it. Without marketing it's basically like creating a website and expecting visitors to "come to you."
So, in order to be successful, your book also needs to be marketed well. In case of traditional publishing houses, the task of marketing is usually taken up by the house itself. But here, since you are self publishing, the marketing part has to be handled by you. Given below are five easy ways to promote your Kindle book...
Utilize the social networking sites
There is a reason social network marketing is such a rage today. Almost everyone is active in at least one social networking site today. It is where the buzz about the newest products goes on.
And being talked about on a social networking site is the best thing that can happen to your Kindle book. So, before you even upload the Kindle book, make it a point to set up accounts in these sites and build a good friend list. Sign up in the various forum websites and join in the conversations going on. Make yourself as well acquainted as possible. Once your book is published on Kindle, advertise it on the social networks, include the link in your signature in forums or even emails. Create a Facebook page or tweet about it.
As a publisher, your blog can be one of your biggest weapons to promote your Kindle book.
If you maintain a steady blog, then you would have built up a steady readership too. Advertise your book extensively on your blog. Take good pictures and post them. Make it look like a virtual launch of your Kindle book. You can also promote over video chatting platforms like Skype, or upload a video of it on Youtube and include a link on your blog.
Have a free promotional sale
When you publish your book on Kindle, you often get a limited period promotional free sale. Utilize these days to the fullest. Announce the promotional sale of your Kindle book for free over the social networking sites as well as your own blogging platform. There are also various platforms, which focus only on book and reading like Goodreads. Make sure to promote extensively on these platforms, as you will get much more prospective readers here.
Offer books for review
This is yet another good way of utilizing the digital space for promoting your Kindle book. Books which have reviews are often bought more than the books without any reviews. Reviews mean
that the book has been read and recommended by someone. The power of word of mouth plays a big role here. So find some people who are willing to read and review your Kindle book. They can post the review on Amazon, or even on their personal blogs or websites, if they have any. This is a great way to ask a fellow blogger to review your book and write a post on it on their blog or a guest post on your blog. If you get any negative review, then be graceful about it and do not attack the reviewer. The key is to get as many reviews as possible, so that the word about your book reaches far and wide.
Create a website for the book
For a more focussed promotion of your Kindle book, one of the best ways can be to create a website focussing solely on the book. The website can be completely based on the book. You can add up additional features like newsletters, which the readers can sign up for and get for free. On this website, you can keep posting pictures of the book, reviews that the book may have received or any upcoming offer on the book. You can also include a discussion forum. This way, more and more people will get to know about your Kindle book and your promotional task will be done successfully.
Growing your Kindle empire by publishing more related books
As we have discussed there was a time when becoming a published author would take years to be a reality. It would take months of going back and forth with publishing houses to get one book published. Well, the times have changed and with that, the possibilities have changed too.
Successful authors publish related books
Say you published your first ebook on Kindle and it becomes a runaway success. You will no doubt earn a lot of royalty. But, every day new books are being added to Kindle. It would only be a matter of time until your book fades away to the background and some other writer’s book takes its place. This is why it is very important to keep being on the reader’s radar. One way of doing this is by keep marketing about your book on various digital platforms like social networking sites and discussion forums. You can even start a website solely based on your book.
But, all the above efforts are bound to fizzle out after sometime. And you cannot really establish yourself as a writer in your reader’s mind by publishing just on book. Hence, successful authors always move on to publish more books, which are in some way related to their first book.
In order to be an established author, you have to have a decent number of books to your name. Writing related books to add on to your list of published books gives you that credential. When you write related books and publish them, they come up more often when the readers search for books of the particular genre. So, instead of depending on one book to catch your reader’s eye, you will have multiple books. This will put the odds in your favour.
Also, having related books establishes you as a writer of that particular genre or topic. This means that your readers start connecting you with that genre and hence whenever they want to read a book of that genre, they would look you up, or recommend you to friends. It is very important to establish such connection in your reader’s mind as that will substantially lead to multiple sale of your books on Kindle.