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You've probably heard the phrase, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." It was popularized by the Godfather movies, and originally taken from Sun Tzu's infamous book, "The Art of War."
The meaning of the above phrase is... by keeping your enemies closer, and pretending to be their friend, they will lower their defenses, trust you, and you will in turn gather up all the intelligence you need on them, keep a close watch on them at all times... and when the time comes, you'll be able to defeat them easily.
While the above phrase, and strategy, has its place in particular situations, my philosophy is... why create enemies in the first place?!
Most marketers see Google and other search engines as an "enemy" that they have to defeat by the use of trickery or treachery. (They may never admit to it or even believe that they view them as an enemy, but their actions clearly prove otherwise.)
That to me is pure insanity!
Why the heck would you want to make Google, or other search engines, your enemy? Especially if you need them more than they need you!
Wouldn't it make more sense to try to befriend them, to partner with them, and to work with them so that together you can both prosper?
How about working on striking a "joint venture" with Google...to form a mutually-beneficial relationship with them?
Doesn't that make a heck of a lot more sense than trying to "trick" or "sneak into" their listings using some blackhat technique or the latest and greatest automating software?
I really hope I'm driving the point home. I realize I'm being repetitive with this theme, and it's for a good reason.
The moment you "get" this (on a deeper than surface level,) everything will change for you.
Getting listed favorably in search engines will become so much easier, more long-term - and a lot more fun - instead of being a continuous, dangerous "cat and mouse" game where you're always trying to stay ahead of them till you eventually get stomped, and then starting all over again (only to get stomped again.)