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Discover The 15 Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs
Are great entrepreneurs made or born? Many individuals struggle with this question in the quest of starting and operating a business. It is not an easy task growing a business from the idea stage to a big business with huge profit margins.
The trend of life shows that even the individuals born with a silver spoon in the mouth, hard work beats talent anytime. It is for this reason that an entrepreneur must be willing to work hard as well as smart to realize the success of their ventures. Do you think you have the necessary traits to become a success entrepreneur?
According to Entrepreneur.com, all entrepreneurs come from the same cloth; they hail from different geographical backgrounds, upbringings, education levels, social classes, et al. While there is no proven blueprint to entrepreneurial success, all the individuals that have been successful in business have the following traits.
Craves Learning
Credit: Pricenfees
Entrepreneurs must be witty and sharp, and that means they must always be learning. In the modern era, sectors and industry are experiencing constant change while evolving very fast. Through
continuous learning, you will be able to stay ahead of the competition and abreast of the market and industrial trends.
Regularly read books and wake up early in the morning to familiarize yourself with the news shaping your industry and do everything in your power to learn and gain more information. This will help you in warding off competition and having insight into innovations.
All the successful entrepreneurs that come to mind are visionaries. It is a defining trait of entrepreneurship to identify an opportunity and envision reaching unimaginable heights by others. Being a visionary enables the entrepreneur to have a particular curiosity that puts their businesses at the forefront of emerging fields and leaders in innovation.
There will be obstacles along the way, Net Optics Founder, Eldad Matityahu who sold his business for $190 million says, “Entrepreneurs will face naysayers, but because we have the ability to see the eventuality before it plays out, you have to be several moves ahead of the market and the world.”
Risk Takers
The entrepreneurs making headlines in the world today and in the days of the past like Bill Gates, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Barbara Corcoran, Donald J. Trump, Richard Branson, and much more took significant risks to get what everybody else dreamed of acquiring. Unlike most people in the world today who have ideas, they are constantly afraid of taking risks that will increase their margins.
Successful entrepreneurs have a tolerance of ambiguity, which is the ability to withstand the fear of uncertainty as well as the potential failure. Michael Sherrod, the entrepreneur - in – residence at the prestigious Neeley School of Business at the Texas Christian University says, “it all boils down to having the ability to manage fear successfully.”
Calculated risks are the way to go instead of blindly making leaps of faith. As the adage goes, you do not test the depth of the river with both feet, so it is necessary that you be careful with the kind of risks you take and always have a plan.
Understand That Failure Is Part of Success
It does not matter how many you times you fail, but what is important is how many times you stand up, brush off the dirt and soldier on and concur. Richard Branson once said, “Very few first ventures take off. It is how a first-time entrepreneur deals with failure that sets them apart.” Failure is among the secrets to success since some of the best ideas rise from the ashes of a failed business.
Understanding the above proposition, as an entrepreneur, you must view the failures as learning experiences. Failure teaches the willing entrepreneurs more than they learned from a classroom.
Many people go into entrepreneurship for the freedom of managing their own time and resources. It is a good reason, but one needs to plan their entrepreneurial journey. This allows one to get clear the vision and objectives of their business.
Planning gives the entrepreneur the ability of foresight enabling one to allocate resources for any outcomes.
Fully Determined
After the creation of the plan of action, all entrepreneurs must make a decision to commit and maintain a high level of determination to attain success. Growing a business, hiring new employees, and increasing profits amongst other logistics require that you create goals and be determined to see them finished to the last positive outcome.
Sustaining a business involves taking on a heavy workload, and the buck stops with the entrepreneur. This challenge is enough to discourage many would-be entrepreneurs. Before you embark on the journey, you must be fully determined to see the business through, and this will prop you up even when the pressure of the business mounts.
The gist of running a business is in learning from failures and having the determination of seeing the business turn a profit and become successful. When failure happens, you have to start over again, and the tenacity of building a better business is the motivation to many successful entrepreneurs of our age.
Credit: Pricenfees
Passion is the fuel that drives commitment and determination necessary to succeed on the entrepreneurial journey. As an entrepreneur, you have to appreciate what you do, and it starts with knowing why you went into the business.
Passion based on your business’s particular mission is an intrinsic drive that carries you through the long days and the long nights that consume your energy for life. Without passion, you will easily cave into the stress, and the pressure and your entrepreneurial
journey will be a short lived one. Passion provides the entrepreneur with an internal reward that sustains them between paydays.
Self Discipline
One trait that is common with many successful entrepreneurs is that they are masters of self-discipline. In the beginning, the entrepreneur is motivated and puts in the hours as well as the work to turn the business into a successful venture. The early stages are full of intrigue, and the entrepreneurs feed off the intrigue.
It takes a high level of self-discipline to maintain the motivation in any situation of the businesses whether things are good or going bad. Self-discipline is the trait that carries the entrepreneur through when the glamour and the motivation of being an entrepreneur are waning. It makes sense to be self-disciplined and self-denial to achieve a much bigger reward especially when it comes to finances.
Highly Confident
Ask any entrepreneur what gets them through the day, confidence will inevitably crop up. Entrepreneurs that have a high level of confidence have an added advantage and can get the job done irrespective of the state of the conditions of the business. Significant challenges result in big rewards.
Confidence is the one trait that enables the entrepreneur to see opportunities where others see challenges and no chance of success. It is confidence that makes the successful entrepreneur visualize a reward when others see intractable problems. As the founder of FragranceNet.com, Jason Apfel, a successful entrepreneur must have a lot of confidence, be willing to take a risk but be conservative.
Highly Adaptable
Times are ever changing, and this means that the business landscape is constantly shifting ground. It was a shock for Nokia and Kodak who refused to realize the changing times and got phased out to near extinction. As an entrepreneur, you cannot see what is coming even with the best plans and strategies that are why the best entrepreneurs are highly adaptable in the modern era.