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Chapter 4: What Is The Empowered Love Mindset?
Keeping an empowered love mindset isn’t always easy. This is often observed if you feel that you are alone and nobody cares to love you. To know more about empowered love mindset, you are on a right track. This book allows you to understand what empowered love mindset is and how to do it.
What Is It
Empowered Love Mindset Defined
Your mindset is how you approach the world. It means that if you let it run wild, it will force you to make the same choices. Everyone has the ability to have an empowered love mindset. It is like a sieve through which you make out your reality. Similar with bad habit, your mindset has a shadow side. This shadow is devious and makes it difficult for you to perceive that you have in your mind.
If you are experiencing a romantic issue, it is the time to see if your empowered love mindset needs an adjustment or not. If you assume that your mindset might lead to several problems, then, you need to change it. You can do this through spending enough effort and focus on your determination to achieve your improved mindset.
Effective Tips to Develop Empowered Love Mindset
If you do the inner work for your personal development, you make positive shifts like naturally attracting love into your lives. You just need to improve an empowered love mindset and able to practice creative strategies to implement them regularly. Here are the simple things you need to do for an improved love mindset:
Step 1: Get Out of Your Comfort Zone - If you accept new
opportunities into your lives, you have a chance to explore more. In case you are stagnant in your life, your relationship with other people will suffer. Therefore, it is essential to present your best to the world. Just open to new opportunities, taking healthy risks, meeting new people and conquering your fears.
Step 2: Set Off Your Stress - When you practice being in the present time, you notice more and understand how it affects you. So, go for a walk and explore your surroundings. Try to pay attention to the sounds, sights, smells and textures you encounter. Then, notice in your body how you feel. Once you set off your senses, you will grow more and find your real happiness.
Step 3: Follow Your Intuition and Impulses - Start learning from children. Kids often follow their innate sense of intuition and impulses. To attract love, follow your inner child. It means that you should take time to unwind, have fun and do things that you really enjoy. If you love your lives, you can share love and happiness to other people.
Step 4: Make Creative Goals - To improve empowered love mindset, you have to make a creative goal for yourself. It means that you can read books that you want, volunteering a few hours at the charity organizations or making a masterpiece. Just make sure that you make commitment to yourself and pursue your plan.
Step 5: Connection is Essential - After completing your goal, you have to reach out to people and inform them about your experiences. Connect with others on a regular basis and try to listen about what inspires others. Depending on your choice, you can involve in your community to experience the acceptance and sense of belonging.
Other steps to improve your empowered love mindset include taking a stand for your personal development. It means that you have to fight to show what you really are. You also need to have time for your creativity. This can help in allowing your subconscious to speak to you. Just relax yourself and find courage to jump into a meaningful relationship.
Chapter 5: Traditional Love Ideas vs. New Age Ideas
Ideas about love become even broader as time passes by. Though the ideas of love are quite comprehensive, you don’t have to be confused. Whether old or modern times, you can easily understand what love is. To know more traditional and new age love ideas, here are the things you need to consider:
New Ideas
Traditional Love Ideas
During old times, people have a concrete meaning of love. Once they feel something different or feel concern to other people, they assume that they are in love. But, since love comes in various ways, you can say that you find true love if you are aware with the different words of God.
For additional knowledge, here are some concepts of traditional love:
Unity of the Two Lovers - Before and even during these days, people prefer to get married. People who fall in love with each other desire to unite as one through the Sacrament of Matrimony.
Believe in the Existence of Cupid - Before, people believe in the existence of magic. Most women believe that true love will come on their way when Mr. Cupid finds an ideal man for them.
Practice Courtly Love - Love pertains to courtship and courtesy. But, it is not necessary related to the institution of marriage. Most people also believe that love is an intense and passionate relationship between two partners.
These traditional love ideas or practices are also observed even at the present times. However, there are some adjustments. Say for instance, courting is becoming easier because of modern technologies. Before, men use traditional schemes to show their love. Depending on their culture, they can follow their own practices.
New Age Love Ideas
Like traditional love ideas, most people believe in the Sacrament of Matrimony. However, because of the changes of law, some states allow couples to file an annulment or divorce. This is often observed if the couples are not happily married.
If you are single, you will also notice that the courtship of traditional love ideas is different at present times. At present, men and women are using mobile devices to contact each other. They can also show their feelings with the use of social networking sites.
Though there are some differences between traditional and new age love ideas, the concept of love is still there. Whether you are following the traditional or modern schemes, you will never be tired of showing how you value your love ones.