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Chapter 7: Why Adopt The Empowerment Mindset For Happiness
Having a happy mindset is very powerful and is not something that you should underestimate. In just a single day, you have thousands of different thoughts, and only some of these are actually happy and positive. It is not a secret a happy person has happier and more positive thoughts compared to an unhappy person. When you think positively, you are also given with an improved clarity as well as courage and confidence in facing the day that lies ahead.
Why Do It
Adopting the empowerment mindset for happiness helps you in determining your own path instead of following others. Sad to say that through the negative thoughts like jealousy, fear and anger, people are thrown off their path, losing their ability of thinking and acting effectively.
But if you try to have a happy mindset as opposed to an unhappy one, you can certainly attain greater things in your life. You will have the chance of being a happier person overall.
When you are happy, a more exciting future waits ahead of you while being unhappy and thinking negative thoughts places you stuck in a vicious circle where you continue to be afraid and fearful, causing you to act defensively. It is something that tends to push other people away from you, creating more problems as you become lonelier and more afraid than ever.
Following the empowerment mindset for happiness as you travel in the path of life can help make you feel better, which will then lead you to become a stronger and even more stable person. With this kind of mindset, you will be completely in control and not someone who will be easily pushed around by others.
While there will always be bad days and negative things that will happen, learning to see the positive side of these things and learning how to avoid yourself from being dragged by such situations will help you stay on happiness’ path.
Thinking is an automatic thing, which means that changing your thoughts can take effort and time, though it is not necessarily impossible. By adopting the empowerment mindset for happiness, you will learn how to automatically think in a positive way, which will then lead to a longer, healthier and happier life full of happy thoughts only.
Chapter 8: Tips For Becoming Empowered For Happiness
“Happiness is not a possession to be prized, it is a quality of thought, a state of mind.” — Daphne du Maurier, Rebecca
In their search for happiness, a lot of people search for it not within themselves but in other people. Many of them assume that things such as a good job, more money, better relationships and others will give them the happiness that they are searching for.
But, the truth is, you can only find true happiness and contentment if you will look within yourself and you will learn how to be your self’s best friend. It means that you need to care, trust, and love yourself the way you care, trust and love those people near your heart.
Here are several tips that are guaranteed to make you empowered for happiness that you might want to keep in mind:
Give positive rewards to yourself. If you have done something that you are proud of, try giving yourself even with just a small reward. If possible, never wait for praises from others because if it does not come, you will end up feeling resentful. Patting your own back every once in a while won’t hurt and in fact, this is a great feeling which will surely stay with you within a long period of time.
Instead of pulling yourself down, try lifting yourself up. If there is one thing about yourself that you do not like, do something to alter it. If it cannot be changed, then, accept it as it is. Never go for negative self-talk because you lessen your chances of changing for the better if you are already filled with negative thoughts.
Learn forgiving yourself. Surely, you will not scold a child over and over again for a mistake that he did so never do such a thing to yourself as well for it will not do you any good. Forgiveness is a gift that you can endow yourself if you made a mistake. After that, try figuring out the lesson that you learned, using it as an inspiration in making better choices in the future.
Take pleasure in your successes. Many people can still clearly remember the details of embarrassing, painful or depressive events that took place several years ago. What if you try doing exactly the same thing with the wins and successes that you had in the past? Instead of wallowing on your downfalls, why not remember your accomplishments and trials and keep their memory with you? Thinking about these successes at least once every week will surely make you feel good.
Never forget celebrating all the wonderful qualities that you have! The best and most important tip for becoming empowered for happiness is learning to love yourself for as you do so, you will also be able to love others around you and they will also start to love you even more!
Chapter 9: The Good And Bad About The Empowerment Mindset For Happiness
No matter where you live, or whatever race you might belong to, it is easy for one to get stuck in a rut, emotionally and intellectually, which can cause unhappiness. A lot of studies have revealed the causes as well as effects of happiness, with numerous benefits being associated to being happiness, professionally as well as personally.
Your happiness can be negatively affected by outside forces, some of which are out of your control, such as bothersome coworkers, loss of a loved one, or even the weather.
But, there will also be those forces which are controllable and during such cases, happiness becomes a choice. It is easy and common to be wallow and be engulfed in self-pity once the blues start to call, but adopting the empowerment mindset for happiness will be very beneficial for you.
The Good And Bad
One good thing about this mindset for happiness is that you will actually be more motivated to face every single day. You will not experience that laziness of waking up every morning and instead, you will be more energized to face the day.
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