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Chapter 9: Staying on Track
Motivation starts within you. You may get inspired by those achievements obtained by other people. However, when you go far beyond life, then you will also be determined and charged to reach your goals. Take note of the following tips below on how to get motivated and stay on track with your work, study, and life. These will also keep you going at a top speed to become successful in your career.
Staying On Track
When you do not believe in your potentials, nobody else would dare also. People have something in which they are definitely good at. Your faith to yourself is very crucial since it is the way you can try working on the niche skills. Forget about your fear of being a loser in the end of your journey. Bear in mind that what does not kill you can make you even stronger.
It is quite hard to stay on focus when it comes to undefined and fuzzy goals. Try asking for measurable and defined tasks and objectives. Have the initiative to work with the right people if necessary. This way, you will have a clarity regarding your definite roles. Self-motivated persons are working best along with their clearly defined life objectives.
Work Independently
Nothing can work better as the motivation power shot compared to the knowledge that you are excellent in what you are doing. Determine your weaknesses and get rid of them all the way. If you want to get familiar with your tasks, study about them carefully. Remember that there are many available methods that you can use to learn something about them. All you have to do is to look around and be a keen observer all the time.
Positively Take Criticisms
Even if other persons do not have intentions, turn those negative criticisms into positive driving forces. Always bear in mind that failure is just a mind state. When you think of being successful, you will. Think positive. This way, you can route frustration to a positive energy needed to work hard. It serves like magic.
Accept Challenges
When your present job does not motivate you, there is no need to worry. Try to become open for new things if a present role gets boring to pursue another day more. Talk to the experts to help you redefine roles to optimize your abilities.
Many things do not really work out at the very first time. It only implies that you should try harder. See to it that your heart is set on your important goals and life progress. Never waste your energy on such peripheral things and save extra efforts for useful things.
Be with Successful People
Stay and talk with confident persons who have been driven on life.
Continue reading books that can make you optimistic. Do not forget to meet and deal with successful persons and emulate them.
Chapter 10:
Making Resolutions for Being an Effective Person
Resolutions are mostly acknowledged when New Year is coming. People think that it is the only time when they have to make intentions throughout the coming year. The truth is that making a resolution should be a part of your daily life encounter. The fact that many people have their own resolutions in life, most of them cannot fulfill them throughout the year.
There can be challenging resolutions you need to commit and make them a reality. However, when you implement them in your life accordingly, you will understand why you are doing such things. There is actually an easy and fun way to start creating an ideal life along with a little effort. This is called “intention”.
Intention is identifying what you really want in life and directing actions to an outcome. Of course, you want to have a harmonious and peaceful life all the way. Or, you might also crave for discovery and adventure. You have the chance to make intentions for a particular situation or as a whole. You may also create trust and connection with the person you love.
Creating these intentions can take a very short period of time. However, this can be an extremely powerful tool for setting a resolution in motion. You do not have to force yourself just to follow a self-improvement plan or get worried how you are going to accomplish different things. Creating good intentions can remove the worry and effort from this process.
It is definitely difficult to become effective especially if you are not confident. To maintain and establish strong confidence, it is highly essential to say and think of positive things about yourself. Recall your best qualities, thing you had done for other people, and things you already achieved in life.
Forget about worries if you do not have long term goals. In fact, there are only a few people who do so. As you obtain and try more new things, continue pushing yourself out of the comfort zone. Establish effective relationships. Always remember that positive relationship has been the crucial key to reach success. Everybody needs to like and trust you in order to deal with your tasks productively. However, if you really want to get their trust, you have to do and show that you deserve one as well. Be an effective person at your best. Live an inspiring life.