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Phytochemicals are the naturally occurring chemical compounds that are found in plants such as fruits and vegetables, and it is widely believed that many of them have distinct health enhancing qualities. For example, garlic, broccoli and citrus fruits are all high in phytochemicals such as sulphurophane, limonene and coumarin.
According to the Wikipedia definition and reference for phytochemicals, it is believed that they can help prevent a wide range of serious medical conditions, like cardiovascular disease, prostate cancer and cataracts, while other phytochemical bearing foodstuffs have anti-inflammatory qualities.
However, it now appears that including a significant portion of foods that are rich in phytochemicals in your diet can provide crucial assistance to your immune system to fight off yeast infections.
Including raw garlic (for example) in your diet will significantly reduce your susceptibility to yeast infections, and it also appears that by combining various different phytochemicals in your diet, you multiply the anti-infection qualities many times over.
For instance, garlic may be effective on its own, but it seems to become considerably more effective when eaten in combination with the vital chemicals from other vegetables such as broccoli.
The problem, however, is that every individual reacts to different phytochemicals in a different way, and there is no way of saying that any particular phytochemical combination is a cure-all for everyone.
That being said, there is increasing evidence that eating a diet of ‘superfoods’ that is rich in phytochemicals is likely to significantly improve your body’s ability to resist any kind of medical problems or infection.
As a ‘starting point’ for establishing a dietary pattern that is going to build your natural resistance to yeast infections, begin by combining healthy amounts of both raw garlic and broccoli in your daily diet.
From that point on, experiment with as many of the listed superfoods as you can, because you need to establish what works for you.
By making this ‘better lifestyle’ adjustment to your diet, you will minimize or perhaps even eradicate the chances of your ever contracting another yeast infection. Including phytochemical rich foodstuffs in your diet is an absolute essential.