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Do people hate daily emails?
How is that possible? If they really didn't want daily emails, they should just stop signing up to email lists. This will surely solve the problem. Truth is, we all get daily emails. Go to your inbox right now and tell me what you see. Chances are you're going to see emails, right?
So emails aren't the problem. We get them every day regardless. It makes no difference whether the emails are sent from different marketers.
Actually, I would argue that a daily email from one marketer who knows what they're talking about, is a lot better than 20 emails, from 20 different marketers, giving out 20 different marketing messages... that end up pulling you in 20 different directions.
You see my future email marketing genius. It's not that peeps have a problem getting emails every day from the same marketer. They just don't want the same marketer sending the same crappy content to them every day.
Personally, I don't want rubbish content every day ether. No one does. But that doesn't mean your subscribers don't want daily emails. It's a cop-out to say otherwise.
The ones who "really" don't want daily emails, are most likely the same people who have "ADHD" - and who are addicted to signing up to email lists to get freebies. You can make your own conclusion if you want... but these are the people I have absolutely no interest connecting with.
Look at this way: Do you come online every day to avoid learning about your market? Nope. You want to learn new stuff, right? We all do. That's part and parcel of marketing evolution. We educate ourselves. So if you always have something interesting to share with your email list - and your emails are entertaining, do you honestly believe your subscribers will have a problem with that?
They don't - and the opposite is actually true.
You become the constant inside your subscribers inbox when everyone else is just dropping in from time to time.
Imagine saying to your partner "oh sorry dear, I just want to talk to you 3 times a week, it's pissing me off seeing your mug every day" - Smack in the mouth is what you'll get. If your partner is a pain in the butt, you'll end the relationship soon enough anyway.
If your subscriber thinks you're a pain in the butt, they'll unsubscribe... let them, they're not people you are ever going to build a strong relationship with anyway. We can't... and shouldn't try to be people pleasers. No one likes a people pleaser... even people with no friends.
My point here,... is that if you actually like your partner, or close friend, you'll have absolutely no problem hearing from them every day. And this is only a 5 minute email message they have to read anyway. You're not asking them over for dinner and ice cream.
That may seem a wee bit dramatic - and it is, but think about it. Who will build the quicker relationships with their subscribers, the marketer who's just there from time to time, or the marketer who shows up every day come hell or high water? The answer is obvious, providing you're writing interesting and engaging emails.
The more you're there. The more comfortable your subscribers will be with you. This is human nature. Don't believe me? It's true. Take your bad habits for example. You have bad habits, right? But why do you participate in the process of keeping them in your life? It's "familiarity" my genius friend. We become accustomed to whatever we participate in for a sustained period of time. Whether it's good or bad... is not the point.
The more we see something, do something and participate in something... it becomes normal, even if it isn't. That's the power of repetition.
Let me do this another way. I'll give you a couple good, solid reason why you absolutely MUST email your list every day - and then you go make a decision whether or not to do it...
You Become A Better Email Marketer
Writing emails every day makes you a better email marketer. Who doesn't' want this? Think about it. The more you write... the better you get. Who will be a better email message writer. The person who emails 12 times a month, or the one emailing 30 times a month? The answer is blindly obvious.
Not only do you get much, much more comfortable writing emails, but you also have a wider scope of materials to work off. Writing daily emails is not easy. It takes discipline. You will, however, become adept at researching and coming up with new ways and ideas to get your message across.
This widens your circle of comfort and forces you to focus more on the "one" part of your business that you should be giving "at least" 80% of your time to anyway.
Less Spam Complaints, Higher Open Rates
Bet you didn't see that one coming. If you listen to most people who fear sending daily emails, they will tell you that peeps will complain if you send them emails daily. The opposite is true.
People complain when they forget who's lists they sign up to. Have you ever gotten an email from a marketer and had no recollection of signing up to their email list? Yeah, me too, along with the many others out there too.
But that's not possible if you're there every day. Peeps are not going to forget who you are, because you're the "one" person they remember when other email marketers just pop in now and then... and it's usually just to make a sale..
People also complain when they receive rubbish content from marketers, but we've already discussed this. You are not going to send rubbish. Your goal is to build solid relationships with email messages that entertain, engage - and wrap everything up in a nice little story that's easy to consume and relate to.